Friday, December 29, 2023

Daw Tin Zar Maw Naing's memoir--Burmese Heart
The book fails to say that Dr Ba Maw was Adipadi during the Japanese Occupation. That would make him the Burmese equivalent of Marshal Petain.
From Petain wiki-- State collaboration with Germany Part of a series on Antisemitism
Part of Jewish history and discrimination History Timeline Reference
Definitions Manifestations Antisemitic tropes Antisemitic publications Antisemitism on the Internet Prominent figures Persecution Opposition Category v t e
Within months, Pétain signed antisemitic ordinances. This included the Law on the status of Jews, prohibiting Jews from exercising numerous professions, and the Law regarding foreign nationals of the Jewish race, authorizing the detention of foreign Jews. Pétain's government was nevertheless internationally recognised, notably by the U.S., at least until the German occupation of the rest of France. Neither Pétain nor his successive deputies, Laval, Pierre-Étienne Flandin, or Admiral François Darlan, gave significant resistance to requests by the Germans to indirectly aid the Axis powers.
When Hitler met Pétain at Montoire in October 1940 to discuss the French government's role in the new "European Order", the handshake he offered to Hitler caused much uproar in London, and probably influenced Britain's decision to lend Free France naval support for their operations in Gabon.[58] Furthermore, France even remained formally at war with Germany, albeit opposed to the Free French.
I found the difference in writing style between DawTin Zar and her granddaughter jarring.
The 2nd scene of her arrest, when she needed hot water for the baby is moving.
Also when she comments on the "Karmic Payback" of MI (Military Intelligence) Tin Oo's son having physical and mental problems. The book said Dr Ba Maw told Saya San as his defense lawyer he "couldn't win."
What kind of defense lawyer is that?
A defense lawyer's job is to put up a good defense, even if he thinks the defendant is guilty. This was told to me by an American woman married to someone from France whose brother is a defense lawyer.
Considering the dramatic life she lived, I think the writing could be better.
I met her younger daughter in Canada in the1990s.
She said she "just could not stand it anymore." (The stress of political life.)
There were also twin boys named Ho Chi and Mao Tse.
I don't know any more.
I must have read the excerpts on Facebook in 2015, during the so-called Open Period or "Transition Period."

Hulegu Khan--