Thursday, December 14, 2023

Interviews of Retired Brigador-General Dr. Mi Mi Wynn Byrd in Burmese--
In general she said--
International community is amazed by success of Operation 1027.
There is good co-ordination between the Resistance Forces and that's why they are winning.
Junta has destroyed everything incld economy; talked about inflation.
Only a handful of nations support Burma--mostly Russia, equipt also Russian.
Burma is of strategic, vital importance in the Asia-Pacific region.
Endemic corruption in the junta military.
They need to be a professional army. Stuck in 1950s.
The interviewers should help her with the Burmese equivalent of terminology.
That a Burmese woman/Asian-American should rise to such a high post is admirable.

Trump admin being sued over Signal leak--