Burma, America, The World, Art, Literature, Political Economy through the eyes of a Permanent Exile. "We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the oppressed. Sometimes we must interfere. . . There is so much injustice and suffering crying out for our attention . . . writers and poets, prisoners in so many lands governed by the left and by the right." Elie Wiesel, Nobel Peace Prize Speech, 1986, Oslo. This entire site copyright Kyi May Kaung unless indicated otherwise.
Sunday, March 31, 2024
Saturday, March 30, 2024
George Orwell--also read Shooting an Elephant
Wow--found it again--George Orwell--The Hanging--
A Hanging | The Orwell Foundation
A Hanging | The Orwell Foundation
"It is curious, but till that moment I had never realized what it means to destroy a healthy, conscious man."
If you want to read of (botched) hangings--see Joseph E Persico--Nuremberg--also a movie.
Anew one is also being made.
Friday, March 29, 2024
Long ago event with Washington Musica Viva--
October 23, 2005
Location: Atlas Performing Arts Center
Performers: Kyi May Kaung, poet, Betty Hauck, viola, Ben Redwine, clarinet, June Huang, violin, Gary Poster, bass, Scott Kenison, baritone, Jodi Beder, cello, Carl Banner, piano. Music of Scott Wheeler, Maurice Saylor, Michael Strand, John Philip Sousa, Robert Schumann, George Walker, Thomas Kerr. This concert was supported in part by a grant from The Sprenger-Lang Foundation. Thank you!
Maurice Saylor, Michael Strand, and Scott Wheeler were present at this performance. This event was reviewed by Andrew Lindemann Malone in the Washington Post.
Märchenerzählungen Robert Schumann (1810-1856)
1. Lebhaft, nicht zu schnell; 2. Lebhaft, und sehr markirt;
3. Ruhiges Tempo, mit zartem Ausdruck; 4. Lebhaft, sehr markirt
Benjamin Redwine, clarinet, Betty Hauck, viola, Carl Banner, piano Riding to Town Thomas Kerr (1915-1988) Lament George Walker (b. 1922)
Gary Poster, bass, Carl Banner, piano Dragon Mountain Scott Wheeler (b. 1952) 1. Dragon Song 2. Dragon Flight 3. The Dragon and the Mirror June Huang, violin, Betty Hauck, viola, Jodi Beder, cello, Carl Banner, piano Kyi May Kaung, poet "Tongues Don't Have Bones" video by Lisa DiLillo
"When some serious affliction..." John Philip Sousa (1854-1932) Scott Kenison, baritone, Carl Banner, piano My Soul is Dark(Tango Song; 2004) Michael Strand Alta Quies (1994) Maurice Saylor (b. 1957)
The Mill-stream; Pleiads I; Alta Quies; Pleiads II; For My Funeral Gary Poster, bass, Carl Banner, piano
Thursday, March 28, 2024
Wednesday, March 27, 2024
March 27, hell day for Burma.
Originally Resistance Day from Japanese Occupation-WWII
which junta took for "their day."
March 27, 2021--when m a h said: I have no trouble killing 100 ppl a day.
Pegu Massacre.
I met U Bo Kyi/AAPP in 2008 in Helsinki.
All these organizations, Irrawaddy, AAPP, NUG, etc. need Support for what they do.
Pl start fund-raising wherever you are--food sales, cookies (that you eat), other forms of support.
Be aware that your existing support--e.g. for a non-profit inside Burma is not the same as changing the system--many good-hearted ppl do not realise this--
Irrawaddy, Myanmar Now, AAPP are about changing the system.
I'm getting tired of pointing this out.
It's like children as soon as they grow up, need to leave an abusive family.
If you stay, don't ever think you can "work the system."
You can't. The system will exploit you, bleed you dry and kill you.
Medieval philospher --Peter (Piere) Abelard--hymns--life story
Tuesday, March 26, 2024
Poetry post--And we love life by Marwood Darwish
And We Love Life by Marmood Darwish. And we love life if we find a way to it.
We dance in between martyrs and raise a minaret for violet and palm trees. We love life if we find a way to it. And we steal from the silkworm a thread to build a sky and fence in this departure. We open the garden gate for the jasmine to step out on the streets as a beautiful day. We love life if we find a way to it. And we plant, where we settle, some fast growing plants, and harvest the dead. We play the flute like the color of the faraway, sketch over the first corridor a neigh. We write our names one stone at a time, O lightning brighten the night. We love life if we find a way to it. . . (translated from the Arabic by Fady Joudah) Copyright 2008 The Nation.
Monday, March 25, 2024
good wrap in Irrawaddy + Dr Tayzar San
sounds like a medical doctor--however
Irrawaddy etc shld not be publishing his likeness too much.
Nor shld he give more interviews.
War is war.
Sunday, March 24, 2024
Mistake in previous post
It was late Col Chit Myaing who lived in MD whom Mrs Inge Sargent thought arrested and caused the death of her 1st husband--Hsipaw Sawbwa Sao Kya Seng in 1962 (through torture.)
My mistake--not Col Kyi Maung who was with NLD.
Thanks to Dr Maung Zarni for pointing it out.
From Wikipedia--
Anna Stepanovna Politkovskaya (née Mazepa;[a] 30 August 1958 – 7 October 2006) was an American-Russian journalist and human rights activist, who reported on political and social events in Russia, in particular, the Second Chechen War (1999–2005).[2]
It was her reporting from Chechnya that made Politkovskaya's national and international reputation.[3] For seven years, she refused to give up reporting on the war despite numerous acts of intimidation and violence. Politkovskaya was arrested by Russian military forces in Chechnya and subjected to a mock execution. She was poisoned while flying from Moscow via Rostov-on-Don to help resolve the 2004 Beslan school hostage crisis, and had to turn back, requiring careful medical treatment in Moscow to restore her health.
Her post-1999 articles about conditions in Chechnya were turned into books several times;[4] Russian readers' main access to her investigations and publications was through Novaya Gazeta, a Russian newspaper that featured critical investigative coverage of Russian political and social affairs. From 2000 onwards, she received numerous international awards for her work. In 2004, she published Putin's Russia, a personal account of Russia for a Western readership.[5]
On 7 October 2006 (notably, on the 54th birthday of the then President of Russia Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin), she was murdered in the elevator of her block of apartments, an assassination that attracted international attention.[6][7][8] In June 2014, five men were sentenced to prison for the murder, but it is still unclear who ordered or paid for the contract killing.[9]
Crocus Hall Moscow--Putin says--Ukraine angrily denies--
Putin has done this sort of thing before--when he blew up apartment building and blamed on Chechens, when he first came topower.
See Anna Politkovskaya book--Anna Politikovskaya was killed in lobby of her apartment building.
Becoming old trick.
Friday, March 22, 2024
Junta's so-called NPT "mayor" actually head honcho lord of land grabs dies--
Thein Nyunt was responsible for land grabs for the sprawling city and behind the planning of a row of six mansions in Naypyitaw for Than Shwe, who took the largest plot with 6.4 hectares (16 acres). His deputy, Maung Aye, future speaker Shwe Mann, future president Thein Sein and future Union Election Commission chair Tin Aye took the remaining plots on the row. Thein Nyunt, then chairman of Naypyitaw Council, sold plots to ministers and slightly smaller areas to deputy ministers for a few thousand US dollars each. Top civil servants were also allocated land.Private companies had to construct the homes and military cronies won the contracts. https://www.irrawaddy.com/news/obituaries/naypyitaws-first-mayor-thein-nyunt-dies.html 3-22-2024
Wednesday, March 20, 2024
Tuesday, March 19, 2024
Saturday, March 16, 2024
Specialpost--Ellen Goldstein--expose of World Bank Rohingya project--
Disclaimer: I have had extended family members who worked at the UN, including favorite Uncle Shane and "Uncle Joe"--my father's lifelong "student"-- BUT--
I have a low opinion of UN in general--I wish I had hand-copied a poem about Living High on the Hog, from the office door of Jere Berhman, a professor of Economic Development at Penn.
I wish I had kept the book outlining how the UN went bankrupt, its florists' bill for instance.
Joe himself told me "To get a job there, you need a relative already there." His Geography professor at Univ of Chicago Norton Ginsburg found him the job with ADB in Manila. All this was before Ted Turner bailed out the UN. By the 1980s the carpets were already threadbare. I suggested through a former colleague who flipped in 2011, that Nobel Laureate Joseph Stiglitz go to Burma. Stiglitz and my late mentor Dr. Ronald Findlay did. I have never met Ellen Goldstein, but her 2 year job at WB sounds not unlike my 3 years of suffering job abuse at hands of a junta-inclined Burmese dept head at Radio Free Asia.
I stuck it out for the sake of 8 months unemployment insurance before the think tank arm of The Burmese Exile Govt--the Burma Fund hired me a a senior analyst. This was the NCGUB, not the current NUG.
NCGUB was headed by Dr Sein Win, a math. Ph.D. with a German degree. His father was U Ba Win, Aung San's elder brother. The 2 brothers were assassinated the same morning 19th July 1947 with other members of Aung San's cabinet and a bodyguard. Aung San - Wikipedia I have met David Scott Mathieson at a migration conference in Chiangmai--he's a good person. To all Burmese I would say--don't put your trust in anyone, including the UN and Myanmar generals and cronies and your own blood relatives. Everyone is in it to make money. "Helping people" is just their cover story. The worst is that they develop a "know it all mentality." They don't. Kyi May Kaung Ph.D.
Burmese junta is almost certainly "asking for Chinese armed intervention"
as no trade is moving through Chin Shwe Haw since 1027(2023).
If the junta halts trade--as it is doing now, China will not stand for it.
It can just flex its little finger and sack Burmese SAC.
Incidentally, it's also anniversary of Chinese takeover of Tibet.
The other shoe is soon to drop as Chinese--mediated "peace talks" in Burma have failed already--in the trade sense, and it's all about cross-border trade.
Also there are allegations that KNU is involved in"untouched" Shwe KoKo scam hub near Mae Sod-Myawaddy on Burma-Thai Border--see
Irrawaddy article.
It is to be feared the "new sheriffs" will continue to run these scams,including sex scams which started appearing in 2020.
War-lordism or lady-ism (though Olive Yang--opium queen or opium queer was no lady)
predicted by my late systems political scientist professor Dr Henry Teune is already happening.
I don't see any hope for Burma.
They (the junta) will rule the graveyards.
Kyi May Kaung (Ph.D.)
Friday, March 15, 2024
Shootout at the O.K.Corral--from wiki.
The gunfight
Wikisource has original text related to this article:
A Fierce Fight
Wikisource has original text related to this article:
A Desperate Street Fight (Daily Nugget)
Annotated 1886 fire map of Tombstone indicating the actual shootout location (in green) and the O.K. Corral (in yellow) on the other side of the block
Third St. in Tombstone, Arizona in 1909 from the roof of the Cochise County Courthouse. The O.K. Corral was located on Allen St., the first right turn off Third St. The white building at the center right is Schiefflin Hall on Fremont St.
Martha J. King was in Bauer's butcher shop located on Fremont Street.[89] She testified that when the Earp party passed by her location, one of the Earps on the outside of the group looked across and said to Doc Holliday nearest the store, "... let them have it!" to which Holliday replied, "All right."[86]: 66–68 [104]
Today I go and deposit my Poetry Award checque--and run off more copies of my chapbooks-gave my friend who had a hip transplant a version of my crochet shawl.
I wore one for the poetry reading.
No photos available right now.
Regie Cabico was the judge.
My advice is if you write or paint, put your work out there--but get in a safe space first.
The villains will hit the dust--mark my words.
Went to Bethesda Urban Awards Ceremony--2 poets from Burma, including me-
Lots of award-wnning poets, all ages, sizes, skin color and ethnicity--
very fun and good food,
Thank you.
Thursday, March 14, 2024
Special special post--Eugene Yawngwe's memoir--Shan of Burma
Recipients--you are receiving this bc I assume it will be of interest to you.
You don't need to read it now or even ever--
Your ignorance is not my problem.
U Eugene's family and mine go a long way back--to before I was born, when Yawngwe Sawbwa sheltered my parents and older brother and 40 other families near Yat Sauk Waterfall in the Shan States.
It was my honor to work closely with U Eugene and his brother Harn 1997--present and U Eugene's passing in 2004 in the Burmese Democracy Movement Overseas.
In school in Rangoon, Ying Ying Thaike (Princess Sao Ying Sita) was one of my best friends. With June Taw, we were considered look-alikes. Ying also wanted to be a writer.
I also met Tiger in Canada in the 1990s, when Yawngwe Mahadevi (Queen) came to listen to a talk I gave.
The sound of heads turning and people whispering was like falling leaves.
I managed to catch up with her and thank her in the ladies' rest room--
Fictionalized scenes from Yatsauk are in my unpublished novel Once.
I asked Aunty if she had any family photos--she said, "How can I have photos? I had to leave with the clothes on my back."
You know who has them?
Notorious crony and arms dealer Tayza--thief.
Saw them on his Facebook.
Download all of them from there.
Irrawaddy Investigative Unit--Shwe Ko Ko (KNU may be involved)--+ junta blew up bridges.
Ko Thiha said.
“At first, I thought they were recruiting translators. It was only after I arrived here that I found I had to do a completely different job. I had to expose my body parts later during sex chats. [I realized] this is not OK anymore. But you know what [harsh punishment] would happen to me if I refuse. So, I will have to complete the three-year contract,” said the married man, who has a daughter.
2links--end post. 3-14-2024
Wednesday, March 13, 2024
Joint book and movie review--from 2005. Legendary lovers who leap at you from the 12th century--
Heloise & Abelard: Love Hurts (Published 2005)
Tuesday, March 12, 2024
25 years to write--American Prometheus--book on which movie is based--
From 20 days in Mariupol wiki--
Matt Zoller Seitz of RogerEbert.com gave the film three-and-a-half out of four stars, stating that "It goes on a short list of great documentaries that the viewer will never want to watch again.... This is a dispatch from hell on earth. The fragmented, chaotic, imprecise nature of it is a revelation."[33]
Saturday, March 09, 2024
Friday, March 08, 2024
Thursday, March 07, 2024
What the heck--so I'm not a "Burmese writer"bc I write mainly in English.
What about Tibetan writers who write in Mandarin??
Indians who write in English?
We'll show you.
The image I have attached is famous artist Cindy Sherman's self portrait as a woven tapestry.
Harry Belafonte--Purism is an excuse for mediocrity. We might as well go back to the stone age, From his NYT obit.
Top 35 Harry Belafonte Quotes (2024 Update) - QuoteFancy
Kyi May Kaung.
Resistance Fighters poised to capture key town of Kanni in Sagaing
The junta responded to the resistance attacks with airstrikes. Residents of the town say they cannot count the number of bombs that have been dropped by fighter jets since resistance forces got the upper hand on Tuesday night.
Wednesday, March 06, 2024
Hindus for Human Rights--c/o Dr Maung Zarni
Tomorrow's event: India's Future: where is the world's largest democracy heading? 7 March.
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: info@hindusforhumanrights.org
Date: Wed, 6 Mar 2024, 20:00
Subject: HfHR Weekly Update: Women's History, India's Future, and a Night at the Movies
The Newsletter
Women's History Month Highlight: Tarabai Shinde
In 1949, Simone de Beauvoir published The Second Sex, introducing the Western world to the double standards present in contemporary ideas of womanhood.
But did you know that over 50 years before that, feminist activist Tarabai Shinde was analyzing these very same issues in her work Stri Purush Tulana? This work was a groundbreaking criticism of patriarchy and the gender and caste system in 19th century India and is considered the first modern feminist Indian text.
"Let me ask you something, Gods! You are supposed to be omnipotent and freely accessible to all. You are said to be completely impartial. What does that mean? That you have never been known to be partial. But wasn't it you who created both men and women? Then why did you grant happiness only to men and brand women with nothing but agony? Your will was done! But poor women have had to suffer for it down the ages." -Tarabai Shinde, Stri Pulash Tulana
Friends of Democracy hosts Conversations on Indian Democracy
Join Friends of Democracy this upcoming Friday, March 8th, for the first installation of their new series, "Conversations on Indian Democracy". These fireside chats bring together academics with Indian politicians who are facing unique challenges amidst the upcoming 2024 elections. These elections will be the largest in the world, and already opposition leaders are facing financial, legal, and physical harassment, including investigations, blackmail, and even arrests. This series delves into these challenges, among others, and uncover the futures that India’s diverse political opposition envision.
Register Here Cornel West and Hindus for Human Rights
In a recent discussion with political commentator Katie Halper; philosopher, activist, and 2024 Presidential candidate Cornel West highlighted the pivotal role of Hindus for Human Rights in the progressive anti-caste movement within Hinduism. To gain insight into Dr. West's perspective on this transformative wave in Hinduism, watch the clip here. ratio Where is India, the World’s Largest Democracy, Headed? As India gears up for the May elections, the prevailing sentiment suggests Narendra Modi’s reelection is imminent, reaffirming his statesmanship and aspirations for great-power status. However, beneath the surface lies a historic narrative of political and cultural pluralism being overshadowed by the populist majoritarian ideology. This upcoming Thursday, March 7th, Reset Dialogues will host an online roundtable which aims to dissect the implications of Modi’s triumphalism, the erosion of India’s federal system, and how this will this impact India’s international aspirations. Register Here U.S. Drone Sale to India: Examining Human Rights Concerns and Foreign Policy Implications with Ria Chakrabarty
The announcement by the Biden administration on February 1 regarding its intent to sell 31 Armed MQ-9B Reaper Drones to India has sparked a significant debate concerning human rights and international relations. This decision is a crucial development in the ongoing US-India relationship.
HfHR's Policy Director, Ria Chakrabarty, participated in a detailed discussion that included concerns about the potential use of these advanced military drones by the Indian government and what that means for compliance with human rights law and the laws of war. India's current human rights record, marked by numerous reports and assessments from reputable organizations, underscores these concerns. Watch the Congressional Hearing HfHR ANZ at “The World is Family” Screening Hindus for Human Rights members recently attended the Sydney screening of Anand Patwardhan’s documentary, The World is Family, as part of the Antenna documentary film festival. Devleena Ghosh of HfHR ANZ shared her thoughts on the film screening in a recent blog post. Read Here We're Hiring: Bay Area Organizer Interested in human rights advocacy? Passionate about combating caste discrimination, Hindutva, and Islamophobia? Eager to make a positive change in your community, through coalition building and providing a progressive Hindu voice? We are currently hiring a Bay Area Community Organizer. This part-time role will mobilize grassroots advocacy and campaigns in California, build relationships with South Asian American organisations, and cultivate the development of a Hindus for Human Rights chapter in the Bay Area. Apply by Friday, March 22nd. Apply Now The Wire's fortnightly round-up features HfHR's recent Desh Videsh Conversation Series, which brought together Palestinian, Muslim, Jewish, Hindu and other panelists. This even highlighted parallels between Zionism and Hindutva including exclusionary dimensions, denial of equal rights to all citizens, and weaponization of accusations of antisemitism and Hinduphobia to silence dissent and criticism. Read More Hindus for Human Rights, in collaboration with a coalition of non-profits including IAMC, filed an IRS complaint against the Global Hindu Heritage Foundation for promoting hate and violence against religious minorities in India. Learn More ESSENTIAL READING In a thought-provoking analysis, IAMC's Safa Ahmed delves into the complex intersections between Hindutva ideology, the American right, and the legacy of the Gujarat pogrom under Modi's leadership. Examining the alarming parallels between rising Hindu nationalism and conservative movements in the United States, the article navigates the entanglement of religious extremism, political power, and violence. Read Article
Photo by Arushi Saini//Unsplash. In Pakistan, a mob attacked a woman for wearing a dress with Arabic script on it, accusing her of blasphemy -- a charge that is punishable by death and an accusation that has led to multiple incidents of public lynching in Pakistan. The woman's life was spared, but she was had to make a public admission of guilt -- despite not doing anything wrong. Zahrah Mazhar writes for Dawn how women and minorities are under threat in Pakistan. Read More Last week marked the 20th anniversary of the Gujarat Pogroms. These events remind us of the devastating impact of communal violence and the importance of unity, justice, and healing. Let's take a moment to remember those who suffered, and reaffirm our commitment to peace and harmony in our diverse society. For a deeper understanding of the lasting impact of these events, we recommend reading this insightful article: Read More on The Wire In his engaging, intellectual, and powerful lecture, essayist Pankaj Mishra reflects on the paradoxical and ironic nature of Israel -- a state created from the horrors of the Holocaust falling into its own violent nationalist ideologies and carrying out a genocide against innocent Palestinians. Additionally, he touches on the overlap between Hindu nationalism and Zionist rhetoric, and how both ideologies idolize an aggressive and toxic form of masculinity as strength. Read the Full Text Here Women's History Month: Honoring Kimberlé Crenshaw Professor and civil rights activist Kimberlé Crenshaw is best known for her work on critical race theory, particularly her creation of the term 'intersectionality'. Intersectionality is a term used to understand how our multiple identities intersect, overlap, and work together, often creating multiple layers of compounding disadvantage or inequality. Kimberlé first used the term 'intersectionality' to explain the experiences of Black women in the workforce; how their race and gender intersected to create unique problems only experienced by their combination of identities. As we move from Black History Month and into Women's History Month, take a moment to consider your intersecting identities. How do your race, gender, culture, ethnicity, sexuality, and socioeconomic status intersect and relate to one another? What experiences have occurred as a result of your intersecting identities? What groups have these identities given you access to, or denied you access from? Understanding our complex, unique identities and how they interact with our environment is the first step to creating the world we wish to see. DONATE
The HfHR weekly digest serves as your weekly guide to progressive Hindu advocacy. Find things you can do to take action, articles to read, podcast episodes to listen to, and more! *Note: Readings are curated from a diverse range of sources and do not necessarily represent the views of HfHR. Let us know what you think of our weekly digest! If you have ideas for news items you want to see included, or suggestions for action items or articles to highlight, let us know at
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Santa Fe, NM 87501 United States
Tuesday, March 05, 2024
Quora--No, statins are not the same as blood thinners--
Are statins the same as blood thinners?
Profile photo for Mitch Pomorovski
Mitch Pomorovski
Studied Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) (Graduated 2019)Author has 60 answers and 136.3K answer views6y
No, statins such as atorvastatin (Lipitor) as a class of medications known as HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors which work to inhibit the key step in cholesterol production in the body, hence they work to decrease the amount of cholesterol in the body and thus prevent heart attack, stroke, coronary/peripheral artery diseases and other related conditions.
Statins in no way behave like blood thinners.
Blood thinners as the name suggests work to thin the blood and work through many different means depending on the medication. These medications work to prevent clots forming in the blood, as these clots can lead to blockage of blood flow to key organs and strokes.
Common blood thinners include: Warfarin, Xarelto, Eliquis, Aspirin, Heparin
View upvotes
Monday, March 04, 2024
Igor Blazevic on Myanmar--see articles on Irrawaddy website--
The narrative “Myanmar is falling apart”, and that this will “trigger a human exodus”, is the single biggest threat to the struggle against military dictatorship at this moment.
So far, Myanmar’s neighbors and ASEAN have pretended to undertake various diplomatic initiatives. In reality, they have been avoiding any meaningful intervention, either diplomatic or humanitarian, and have restrained themselves from exercising any pressure. They have sat and waited, comfortably hidden, behind different ineffective and non-performing initiatives, like the Five Point Consensus, like Hun Sen’s loud and self-promoting “peace facilitating”, like Indonesia’s patient, behind-the-scenes, 300-plus dialogues with “all” stakeholders, or like the current Thai “humanitarian corridor”.
Military Regime Can’t Defeat Myanmar’s Brave Hearts
Military Regime Can’t Defeat Myanmar’s Brave Hearts
March 4, 2024
Arakan Army Exposes Myanmar’s Naval Weaknesses
Arakan Army Exposes Myanmar’s Naval Weaknesses
March 1, 2024
Myanmar’s ‘Contractor’ Has Been Busy Monopolizing Military Businesses
Myanmar’s ‘Contractor’ Has Been Busy Monopolizing Military Businesses
March 1, 2024
Myanmar’s neighbors do not like the junta. Nobody does. They see how rigid, incompetent, criminal, unpopular and predatory the military regime is. However, since the day of the coup, neighboring countries and others have been convinced that sooner or later the military would suppress civilian protests and armed resistance, and cement control.
Now, however, they understand that this will not happen. So, they feel pressed to
3rd anniversary of Kyal Sin's death + anti-junta Resistance leaders at Thai Parliament--
Military Regime Can’t Defeat Myanmar’s Brave Hearts
Myanmar Junta Cries Foul as Thai Parliament Hosts Anti-Regime Figures
Copied and pasted from Wikipedia--John Steinbeck's Grapes of Wrath--one of the best novels ever written--at present a massive fire is going on in TX and OK panhandles--Dust Bowl
The title is a reference to lyrics from "The Battle Hymn of the Republic", by Julia Ward Howe (emphasis added):
Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord:
He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored;
He hath loosed the fateful lightning of His terrible swift sword:
His truth is marching on.
These lyrics refer, in turn, to the biblical passage Revelation 14:19–20, an apocalyptic appeal to divine justice and deliverance from oppression in the final judgment. This and other biblical passages had inspired a long tradition of imagery of Christ in the winepress, in various media. The passage reads: And the angel thrust in his sickle into the earth, and gathered the vine of the earth, and cast it into the great winepress of the wrath of God. And the winepress was trodden without the city, and blood came out of the winepress, even unto the horse bridles, by the space of a thousand and six hundred furlongs. The phrase also appears at the end of Chapter 25 in Steinbeck's book, which describes the purposeful destruction of food to keep the price high:
[A]nd in the eyes of the hungry there is a growing wrath. In the souls of the people the grapes of wrath are filling and growing heavy, growing heavy for the vintage. The image invoked by the title serves as a crucial symbol in the development of both the plot and the novel's greater thematic concerns: from the terrible winepress of Dust Bowl oppression will come terrible wrath but also the deliverance of workers through their cooperation. This is suggested but not realized within the novel. Author's note When preparing to write the novel, Steinbeck wrote: "I want to put a tag of shame on the greedy bastards who are responsible for this [the Great Depression and its effects]." He famously said, "I've done my damnedest to rip a reader's nerves to rags." His work won a large following among the working class, due to his sympathy for the migrants and workers' movement, and his accessible prose style.[14]
Saturday, March 02, 2024
Adilene Yen Mah's story--sad but very true--Image--French revolution--women's march on Versailles
her father and stepmother sound like POS.
Her book was published in 1997, timed to coincide with Hong Kong reunification--agented by Johnny Geller,it has sold more than a million copies.
Friday, March 01, 2024
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Trump admin being sued over Signal leak--