Burma, America, The World, Art, Literature, Political Economy through the eyes of a Permanent Exile. "We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the oppressed. Sometimes we must interfere. . . There is so much injustice and suffering crying out for our attention . . . writers and poets, prisoners in so many lands governed by the left and by the right." Elie Wiesel, Nobel Peace Prize Speech, 1986, Oslo. This entire site copyright Kyi May Kaung unless indicated otherwise.
Tuesday, April 30, 2024
Blog hits--Counts--My novella The Rider of Crocodiles--followed by Gaza, Aljazeera, NUG wiki--in that order.
Which means I will be writing more fiction.
Monday, April 29, 2024
Columbia U--protests--demonstrators knuckle downpast 2 PM deadline--Wow-
I was at Low Library--building on L--2012--one of persons on panel Rohingya Conference 2012
afew days before DawSuu there also.
Sunday, April 28, 2024
Bottom line is if we don't stick together, we will all hang separately. I see a lot of racism among so-called educated Burmese--
Mahatma Gandhi said, "An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind."
Saturday, April 27, 2024
Restricted--US Army Manual of GuerillaWarfare + Che Guevera
Highly recommended--but don't let it get to anyone junta-connected.
No fence sitters, no extreme religious, no extreme “nationalists."
Che Guevera--
<a href="about:invalid#zSoyz" rel="nofollow"> https://www.amazon.com/Guerrilla-Warfare-Penguin-Modern-Classics/dp/0241465087/ref=zg-te-pba_d_sccl_1_2/134-0592289-0669649?pd_rd_w=2XOIg&content-id=amzn1.sym.081392b0-c07f-4fc2-8965-84d15d431f0d&pf_rd_p=081392b0-c07f-4fc2-8965-84d15d431f0d&pf_rd_r=14BGACYJ4PTGK3S53RQV&pd_rd_wg=bLn9M&pd_rd_r=1d26ec13-15b8-4a90-857d-0c1ce95fb023&pd_rd_i=0241465087&psc=1 https://www.amazon.com/U-S-Army-Guerrilla-Warfare-Handbook/dp/1602393745?asin=1602399409&revisionId=&format=4&depth=2 booby traps. more Che- https://www.amazon.com/Guerrilla-Warfare-Ernesto-Che-Guevara/dp/160796449X/ref=sims_dp_d_dex_ai_speed_loc_mtl_v4_d_sccl_1_3/134-0592289-0669649?pd_rd_w=GpCdP&content-id=amzn1.sym.af515e1d-64ab-47a5-8a2e-6be4d0f4cdc5&pf_rd_p=af515e1d-64ab-47a5-8a2e-6be4d0f4cdc5&pf_rd_r=Z04MA28YABD28RKSGSWM&pd_rd_wg=r3wGw&pd_rd_r=d4598bf7-8609-4807-b81a-0110a30e60db&pd_rd_i=160796449X&psc=1&asin=160796449X&revisionId=&format=4&depth=1
end. 4-27-2024
From Che Guevera wiki--
Intellectual and literary interests
Guevara learned chess from his father and began participating in local tournaments by the age of 12. During adolescence and throughout his life he was passionate about poetry, especially that of Pablo Neruda, John Keats, Antonio Machado, Federico García Lorca, Gabriela Mistral, César Vallejo, and Walt Whitman.[36] He could also recite Rudyard Kipling's If— and José Hernández's Martín Fierro by heart.[36] The Guevara home contained more than 3,000 books, which allowed Guevara to be an enthusiastic and eclectic reader, with interests including Karl Marx, William Faulkner, André Gide, Emilio Salgari, and Jules Verne.[37] Additionally, he enjoyed the works of Jawaharlal Nehru, Franz Kafka, Albert Camus, Vladimir Lenin, and Jean-Paul Sartre; as well as Anatole France, Friedrich Engels, H. G. Wells, and Robert Frost.[38]
As he grew older, he developed an interest in the Latin American writers Horacio Quiroga, Ciro Alegría, Jorge Icaza, Rubén Darío, and Miguel Asturias.[38] Many of these authors' ideas he cataloged in his own handwritten notebooks of concepts, definitions, and philosophies of influential intellectuals. These included composing analytical sketches of Buddha and Aristotle, along with examining Bertrand Russell on love and patriotism, Jack London on society, and Nietzsche on the idea of death. Sigmund Freud's ideas fascinated him as he quoted him on a variety of topics from dreams and libido to narcissism and the Oedipus complex.[38] His favorite subjects in school included philosophy, mathematics, engineering, political science, sociology, history, and archaeology.[39][40] A CIA "biographical and personality report", dated 13 February 1958 and declassified decades later, made note of Guevara's range of academic interests and intellect – describing him as "quite well read", while adding that "Che is fairly intellectual for a Latino".[41]
Motorcycle journey
Yesterday from Irrawaddy--excellent analysis--Matthew B. Arnold.
Excellent analysis by Matthew B Arnold—“not w a bang but a whimper.”
And he hasn't even mentioned jet fuel boycott, sanctions and widespread conscription.
Thursday, April 25, 2024
From Myanmar Now--bumbling SAC propagandist-- SACK!--+ don't trust Hunterbrook Media--
Myanmar’s military regime is not renowned for its sophisticated propaganda machine. Much of what passes for strategic messaging from the ruling State Administration Council (SAC) is a sinister stew of old-time junta sloganeering, flat denials of clearly evident events, and blame-shifting to their opponents.
One of the arch peddlers of alternative facts for Min Aung Hlaing and his regime is the Myanmar businessman and purported head of the Myanmar Press Council, Aye Chan. A regular drivel scribbler for The Global New Light of Myanmar and his own pamphlet, Myanmar Insider, Aye Chan (or “UAC,” to use his propaganda nom de plume) is an unoriginal, bumbling, gormless gadfly. But the question is, has he been effective in reaching certain audiences with the alternative, “SAC-positive” reality that he presents?
Wednesday, April 24, 2024
USIP warns of scam centers on Burma-Thai border + KNU blames "allies" BGF for loss of Myawaddy (police station)--
KNU blames Border Guard Force for loss of Myawaddy (police station) to junta forces--
2 consecutive articles in Irrawaddy.
Tuesday, April 23, 2024
Monday, April 22, 2024
Sunday, April 21, 2024
Quote from Ven Ariyawuntha-Biwuntha fromMyanmar Now.
In my opinion, this is not the time to worry about religion. If you’re going to exploit the people in the name of religion, you’ve got to be one hell of a lousy politician. There have already been some bad things done in the name of religion by previous politicians. We have to focus on the future of the country first. Religion only comes next. There are multiple occasions where the Buddha said, “only give donations and meditate if the country is peaceful.’ It is really ridiculous to focus on religion while the country is on fire. What they said about religion is not true, in my opinion. MN: Many believe that the religion will be tarnished if the dictatorship is long-lasting. What do you think about this? U Ariyawuntha: This corrupt political system—‘dictatorship’ as you call it—will ruin everything. There’s a Burmese saying: ‘When the sky falls, nobody survives.’ You can’t have strong economics, education, livelihoods or religion as long as the political system is corrupt. Everything will be in ruins. I don’t think those things, let alone religion or the country itself, would survive under such a corrupt system. It really pains me to see that some are destroying the political culture in the name of something sacred.
CNN--House Aid Package--copied and pasted
It's a $95 billion package
The bills provide nearly $61 billion for Ukraine, more than $26 billion for Israel and more than $8 billion for Indo-Pacific security.
The package could lead to a TikTok ban
The fourth bill in the package would place sanctions on the seizure of frozen Russian sovereign assets and a measure that could lead to a nationwide ban of TikTok.
If passed, the bill would give the app's Chinese parent company, ByteDance, nine months to sell the social media company or it would be banned from US app stores.
How the House voted on each measure
end copy and paste
NYT--Hannah Beech--Ragtag army sees tide turning--they should not show faces nor use real names--
write letters to NYT and other major outlets.
Saturday, April 20, 2024
Jochi--son of Genghis--read Conn Iggulden's Mongol Series. Yes, it's Jochi's tomb in Kazakhstan.
From Jochi wiki
Genetic paternity evidence
In 2019, researchers uncovered genetic evidence supporting the claim that Jochi was Genghis Khan's first true-born son. Scientists found that the Lu clan of Northwestern China, which claimed descent from the sixth son of Genghis Khan Toghan, largely belonged to a Y-chromosomal haplogroup (C2b1a1b1-F1756) closely related to one frequently found in the Tore clan from Kazakhstan which claimed descent from Jochi with the time of divergence ~1000 years ago. This result could however, also arise by different avenues of shared paternity or by Y-chromosomal sharing between Chilger Bökh and Genghis Khan.[6]
Fighting resumes near Myawaddy, ASEAN-- etc AFP
David Matthiessen says"A long way to go for SAC to fall."
Friday, April 19, 2024
Thursday, April 18, 2024
Yuan Dynasty and death of Kublai Khan--from wiki
The Yuan dynasty created the "Han Army" (漢軍) out of defected Jin troops and an army of defected Song troops called the "Newly Submitted Army" (新附軍).[84]
Kublai's government faced financial difficulties after 1279. Wars and construction projects had drained the Mongol treasury.[85] Efforts to raise and collect tax revenues were plagued by corruption and political scandals.[86] Mishandled military expeditions followed the financial problems.[85] Kublai's second invasion of Japan in 1281 failed because of an inauspicious typhoon.[75] Kublai botched his campaigns against Annam, Champa, and Java,[87] but won a Pyrrhic victory against Burma.[88] The expeditions were hampered by disease, an inhospitable climate, and a tropical terrain unsuitable for the mounted warfare of the Mongols.[87][75] The Trần dynasty which ruled Annam (Đại Việt) defeated the Mongols at the Battle of Bạch Đằng (1288). Annam, Burma, and Champa recognized Mongol hegemony and established tributary relations with the Yuan dynasty.[89]
Internal strife threatened Kublai within his empire. Kublai Khan suppressed rebellions challenging his rule in Tibet and the northeast.[90] His favorite wife died in 1281 and so did his chosen heir in 1285. Kublai grew despondent and retreated from his duties as emperor. He fell ill in 1293, and died on 18 February 1294.[91]
My translation into Burmese of Faiz Ahmed Faiz--If you look at the city from here
Using auto-translate https://lingvanex.com/translation/english-to-burmese
ဒီကနေ မြို့ကိုကြည့်ရင်
Dee ka ne myo pya gyi ko
hlann kyii like-yin
htaun chay yar myay pone ah taing be.
bahoe sett waing ah htut htut.
Sett waing taing myo yoe woon yan hlyet.
lan taing har ah kyin thamarr tway ah twett khway pyay lan kyaung tway hmat taing me oo tee chett ma shii htwet pauk me. ta yauk yauk ka khutt myan myan lay shwaii yin “yutt” lo thu ko bar kyaunt aw hit pyee ma tar lair lo tway mii te. ta yauk yauk ka thu let maung ko mhyauk like yin than kyoe ta klut klut myee than ko kyarr laint-me. (သံကြိုးများ တုန်ခါသံကို ကြားရမည်ဟု မျှော်လင့်ပါသည်) -- Faiz Ahmed Faiz as translated by Naomi Lazard. If you look at the city from here. If you look at the city from here you see it is laid out in concentric circles
each circle surrounded by a wall exactly like a prison. Each street a dog-run for prisoners, no milestones, no destination, no way out. If anyone moves too quickly you wonder why hasn’t he been stopped by a shout. If someone raises his arm you expect to hear the jangling of chains. *
USA--organ removal of dead prisoners without consent--
In Burma/Myanmar Pol prisoners are tortured to death first.
Open yr eyes--just don't sit there "meditating on impermanence."
Do something--
Wednesday, April 17, 2024
Stay up to date about your country of origin--don't be an ostrich with your head in the sand. Don't meditate when you are sick or in times of war (The Buddha said)
Yuan Dynasty Yam Rider.
Yuan Dynasty was set up by Genghis Khan's grandson, Kubilai Khan.
Muslim general from Yunnan defeated Bagan at Boachan--Nga Saung Gyan.
Read Maurice Collis' She was a Queen.
Al Jazeera--recent footage--
Daw Suu moved due to "heat."
Theymust be worried the Resistance might try to rescue her.
Tuesday, April 16, 2024
Poem--one line hybrid--On the Democracy Circuit
ho thwar dee thwar yinn
bama pye ah kyaung pyaw yin
Helsinki yauk thwar te
Going here and there
talking about democracy in Burma
I arrived in Helsinki.
Kyi May Kaung
caramel colored Burmese python from Wikipedia
Poetry post--Terrance Hayes--American Sonnet for myPast and Future Assassin--
American Sonnet for My Past and Future Assassin [“I… | Poetry Magazine
You can also listen to the poet reading his poem himself.
Last crochet pattern for today--major challenge--Expressions Fiber Arts--Elegant Sweet Pea Shawl.
Sandy only shows a sample swatch.
Therefore you have to increase it up by multiples of the swatch, to get your desired size.
Naturally, the larger or wider your shawl,the more yarn you need--buy enough, more is better than falling short.
You can practice with her Red Velvet Rose pattern--of which I have already made FOUR versions in 3 colors--the first 2 in "burned sugar"
the largest--the 1st one I gave to my friend from HS who is facing health issues.
For shawls of this size and complexity the going rate is over $100 + shipping and handling.
I don't give them away for free unless you've been a good friend for over 50 years.
They are just too difficult to make.
Like I told that Miss Yappy fr the radio station to review the novel herself.
I'm not a billionaire, I'm not a non-profit and I don't run a charity.
Pickup a hook and make it yourself if you can.
If you can't buy it on Etsy.
I'm really tired of B--ppl.
Monday, April 15, 2024
Myanmar Now-explosions Mandalay and Maymyo--etc
“Every day we’ve been open,” he told AFP.
Racier fare was to be had further along the raised concrete walkway.
One small box contained pleasure-enhancing “Sex Drops” made with “USA technology”, which were to be mixed with coffee, juice or wine 15 minutes before bed.
A disclaimer on the back read: “It is a herb product, it may not work for everyone.”
Another box of tablets promised to restore a man’s “prestige in a short time”.
Included in its ingredients list were Tibetan donkey kidneys and yak testicles. Also on offer was “Myanmar Beer”, which has attained illicit status in many parts of Myanmar since the military’s 2021 coup because it is brewed by a military-owned company.
Autonomous weapons means robots and AI.
end post
General Huo Qubing portrayed in C-drama Sound of the Desert--
In reality he died in battle at age 23 but writer Tong Hua extended his life.
He was male lover or favorite of the Wu Emperor but Tong Hua made him heterosexual--she also added a wolf girl.
I recommend this TV series highly--and still remember it. Usually they are so formulaic I don't remember a thing.
4.5 out of 5 stars.
Kyi May Kaung
Sunday, April 14, 2024
Feather and Fan different colorways--I was just thinking of greys and aqua--
The first one I made was cream for myself and I sold a pink one to my favored client who now has 4 wearable art pieces made by me-
Bali wrap, River Kwai coat, brown and gold brocade and this Feather and Fan in gradated salmon pinks, and she liked it so much she bought it on the hottest day of summer.
Thanks A.
You enable me to buy more yarn and make more wearable art.
I have no photos, sorry.
And I have no website right now.
And I can anly sell to US-based customers.
And I'm not a seamstress.
I'm a writer and poet who sometimes makes wearable art and 2D and 3D art.
Message me with your real name and email--it will be list price + shipping and handling.
And also I don't handle real wool bc the colors look dim to me, plus I wish to make a lot of acrylic items at reasonable prices.
So there you have it.
I taught myself crochet through watching Youtube videos,especially Fiber Spider during the Covid crisis and cancer chemo, and our Fiber Group cheered me along.
Mucho Thanks--I think the right word is gracias.
Kyi May
Saturday, April 13, 2024
Friday, April 12, 2024
Thursday, April 11, 2024
Wednesday, April 10, 2024
Drone strike on junta NPT etc
Previously, few days ago,apparently Soe Win affiliated young monk Pauk Taw, "tor" "royal"--not Pauk Tawe rhymes with "awe"
which means "Wood to pee in"
staged a demo. to oust m a h. Myawaddy on verge of falling--pl scroll down. Conscription ramped up. Looks like death throes. km
Tuesday, April 09, 2024
Latest--from Irrawaddy--Myawaddy, Thailand, Burma labor shortages--who would have guessed?
People have been fleeing since 1962, not just since 1988.
Myawaddy is Myanmar’s third-busiest land crossing to Thailand, according to the junta’s Commerce Ministry, with some US$1.1 billion in goods passing through it over the last 12 months.
Periodic surges in fighting along the long Thai-Myanmar border send scores of people temporarily fleeing to the kingdom, before returning.
hai Foreign Minister Parnpree Bahiddha-Nukara said on Tuesday morning that Thai Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin was concerned that the situation would worsen, referring to earlier clashes in the area. On Tuesday, Thailand said it is prepared to accept 100,000 people fleeing Myanmar. Karen Ethnic Army Launches Final Push to Capture Myawaddy on Thai Border
https://www.irrawaddy.com/news/burma/myanmar-labor-shortages-reported-as-residents-flee-junta-conscription.html for rest scroll down.
kmk 4-9-2024
Monday, April 08, 2024
Music--what FriarAlessandro looked like 10 years ago--In Memory of Mrs Gandasari Win and Daw Mar Mar Aye--
Unfortunately, I can't understand what they are saying
but I understand the music.
Sunday, April 07, 2024
Saturday, April 06, 2024
‘Monkey Man’ review: Patel impresses in front of, behind camera with revenge-fueled film
I saw Best Exotic Marigold Hotel (Richard Gere) in a cinema--now the whole complex has been torn down and new construction already at 2nd floor.
I miss the immersive experience of movie cinemas.
R-rating for Monkey Man--Patel said he was inspired by Korean action films.
So I'm not the only Overseas Asian watching Asian movies--
I watch mostly Chinese and Indian TV series--Not such a fan of (S) Korean--
I hope your weekend shapes up creatively and nicely.
I'm glad Asians are increasingly making their mark.
As for Burmese, we struggle. We survive.
Kyi May Kaung 4-6-2024
Friday, April 05, 2024
Thursday, April 04, 2024
Wednesday, April 03, 2024
Foodie video--Golden Temple, Amritsar + Mrs.Gandasari Win--
I am posting this in memory of Mrs. Gandasari Win who passed away in January.
Long time Burma activists and dissidents, they traveled widely informing an international audience about the Burmese plight.
Also strong supporters and personal friends of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, they went to see her even though U Kyaw Win's visa was denied several times in 8 year blocks.
Though Christians themselves they respected other religions.
U Kyaw Win said they visited the Golden Temple in Amritsar.
I will write a fuller Tribute in a few days.
For now--please read U Kyaw Win's memoir--My Conscience: An Exile's Memoir of Burma.
Kyi May Kaung
Found story--A Chinese Sword Story--copied and pasted fromChinese Sword wiki
Gan Jiang and Mo Ye
According to the Spring and Autumn Annals of Wu and Yue, Ou Yezi was also the teacher of Gan Jiang, who was married to Mo Ye. King Helü of Wu ordered Gan Jiang and Mo Ye to forge a pair of swords for him in three months. However, the blast furnace failed to melt the metal. Mo Ye suggested that there was insufficient human qi in the stove, so the couple cut their hair and nails and cast them into the furnace, while 300 children helped to blow air into the bellows. In another account, Mo Ye sacrificed herself to increase human qi by throwing herself into the furnace. The desired result was achieved after three years, and the two swords were named after the couple. Gan Jiang kept the male sword, Ganjiang, for himself and presented the pair's female sword, Moye, to the King. The King, already upset that Gan Jiang had failed to supply the blades in three months but three years, became enraged when he discovered the smith had kept the male sword and thus had Gan Jiang killed.
Gan Jiang had already predicted the King's reaction, so he left behind a message for Mo Ye and their unborn son, telling them where he had hidden the Ganjiang Sword. Several months later, Mo Ye gave birth to Gan Jiang's son, Chi (赤), and years later, she told him his father's story. Chi was eager to avenge his father, and he sought the Ganjiang Sword. At the same time, the King dreamed of a youth who desired to kill him and placed a bounty on the youth's head. Chi was indignant and filled with anguish. He started crying on his way to enact his vengeance. An assassin found Chi, who told the killer his story. The assassin then suggested that Chi surrender his head and sword, and the assassin himself will avenge Ganjiang in Chi's place. He did as told and committed suicide. The killer was moved and decided to help Chi fulfil his quest.
The assassin severed Chi's head and brought it, along with the Ganjiang sword, to the overjoyed King. The king was, however, uncomfortable with Chi's head staring at him. The assassin asked the King to have Chi's head boiled, but Chi's head was still staring at the King even after 40 days without any sign of decomposition; thus, the assassin told the king that he needed to take a closer look and stare back for the head to decompose under the power of the King. The King bent over the cauldron, and the assassin seized the opportunity to decapitate him, his head falling into the pot alongside Chi's. The killer then cut off his own head, which also fell into the boiling water. The flesh on the heads was boiled away such that none of the guards could recognize which head belonged to whom. The guards and vassals decided that all three should be honoured as kings due to Chi and the assassin's bravery and loyalty. The three heads were eventually buried together at Yichun County, Runan, Henan, and the grave is called "Tomb of Three Kings".[16]
end post
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WH acknowledges leak (Yemen) involving highest security individuals--scroll down.