Monday, September 30, 2024

Mixed Martial Arts Deaths--

Cage fighting wiki

Sue Mi Terry charged with being a double agent.

Evin Prison--Iran

Torture, Detention, and the Crushing of Dissent in Iran Human Rights Watch › reports › iran0604 › 5.htm Evin Prison, located in the hills of northern Tehran, was built in 1971. It grew to international prominence when, during the late period of Mohammad Reza Shah ...
Evin Prison Wikipedia › wiki › Evin_Prison Evin Prison Iran from Evin Prison is a prison located in the Evin neighborhood of Tehran, Iran. The prison has been the primary site for the housing of Iran's political prisoners ...

FBI and CIA--

How does the FBI differ from the Central Intelligence Agency? › about › faqs › how-does-the-fbi-... The CIA collects information only regarding foreign countries and their citizens, whereas the FBI collects information about U.S. persons regardless of ... Missing: ae ‎| Show results with: ae

Fort Bragg Schools--

Fort Bragg operates schools on the main Fort Bragg cantonment area and in Linden Oaks. Only families residing on Fort Bragg or in Linden Oaks are eligible to attend Fort Bragg Schools. If you are living off post, you may not attend Fort Bragg Schools. Finding A School Local School Districts - Fort Liberty MWR

Very nice--K.A. Riley--Recruitment--a Resistance novel--dystopian

Madeline Miller--The Song of Achilles-

Graphic novel--beautiful--Gareth Hinds

Movies inspired by The Odyssey--too many--look for the best

Iliad --wiki


Homer's Odyssey--
Who was Ulysses in Greek mythology? Ulysses was the Roman name of the Greek figure Odysseus, the hero of Homer's The Odyssey. While their attributes are similar, there are subtle differences in the two as heroes that vary between Homer's Odyssey and Virgil's Aeneid. Roman Name for Odysseus | Overview & Mythology -


CNN--Father's Past Lovers--

Penguin Random House--International Historical Fiction set in 1960s

Important--Irrwaddy Interview of Dr. Miemie Winn Byrd--"Stay United. Remember Manerplaw."

Pablo Neruda--

Love Poem by Pablo Neruda

The Conference of Birds--by Attar of Nishapur

International Medieval Literature--

Resistance rejects junta peace offer.

Guardian on myanmar conscriptions--

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Irrawaddy wrap--racist monk Sitagu + etc.

Samurai names--just beautiful--

stupid mah jong probably doesn't realize it's global warming excerbated by stupid juntas through the ages and command economy they set up.

Too late now to reverse environmental decline--everywhere--
I say like the cynic I am
look for/move to high ground--e.g. Rockie Mountains, buy a boat.
Read Stephen Baxter's novel Flood and Ark and other water-related novels--like J D Ballard--Drowned World.

CNN--Helene in America--how cyclones are handled in USA--
myanmar--bombing during floods, propaganda flood, NUG denies,Resistance rejects--
illustration is a photo collage--Irrwaddy shld say so.
Stats are fr junta sources so maybe too low.
Incld other countries' official sources.

Friday, September 27, 2024

The leader of the 1946 Puputan--I Gusti Ngurah Rai--"I" is pronounced "ee"--Denpaser Airport is named aftrer him.

You won't believe this, but they really happened--Puputan--Balinese mass ritual suicides.

lingua franca of Indonesia--Yes, I travel around--at least I used to.

Indonesian (locally referred to as Bahasa Indonesia) is the primary lingua franca. Indonesian is spoken by over 94% of the population, but it is the primary language of only 20% of the population. Javanese (Jawa) is the most common primary language, spoken by over 30% of the population.
Language Data for Indonesia - Translators without Borders Translators without Borders › language-data-fo... About featured snippets •

Speaking for myself after 1962, I feel, Why should I smile--there is nothing to smile about. Only fools would be smiling when the situation is so dismal.

Empty post.

U Shan Lone who was once our neighbor on Windermere Court--c early 1950s
I remember him and his wife as a smiling couple.
It seemed to me, all my parents' friends smiled a great deal.
He was part of Burma special ops at end of WWII.

Special ops Burma--1920s--

Special ops. officers--USA

They are experienced subject matter experts in unconventional warfare and operations fusing intelligence and planning at all levels across the operational continuum. They must have detailed knowledge of geography, economy, political structure, armed forces, and history.
Special Forces Officers - Today's Military

Special ops--

Fort Liberty--former Fort Bragg--


Thursday, September 26, 2024

Complete short stories of Somerset Maugham--including the famous Rain--which I first read in Burma at age 12.

Miserable conditions in Myanmar--MNDAA struggles to hold onto Lashio, junta threatens flood rescuers--great!

while India and Thailand help.

Scary old age--Musee Rodin--She was once the Helmet Maker's Beautiful Daughter--

The problem is people live so long--if we died off sooner, we wouldn't have to deal with old age--Kyi May Kaung 2024

Older characters rom coms--

Institute on Aging--Novels about Growing Old.

George Orwell's famous essay_-Why I write.

For writers--formatting rules for submissions--

Manuscripts, partials, or any submissions to agents and editors should always, always be double-spaced. There is never, ever an exception to this rule unless the agent specifically says she wants it single-spaced.Feb 15, 2010
Formatting Guidelines - BookEnds Literary Agency

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Orhan Pamuk's My Name is Red and The Red-Haired Woman--

Cape Negrais--(Mawtin Soon)--

Namesake general serving Alaunghpaya--Maung Kaung or Shwe Kaung--birthname

Le Havre in France--

Fascinating places--Pondicherry, Syriam--

Important resource for Burma--sextrafficking etc--Bruno Films--incld beautifully made Sacrifice--shown in US Congress

Chevalier de Millard--

India extends invite to myanmar anti-junta forces--

Pope appeals for Aung San Suu Kyi's release and offers her asylum at the Vatican--

Monday, September 23, 2024

Wow--John Barendt's masterpiece--creative non-fiction--Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil--+Dominic Dunne+ Truman Capote
Although it's a gay love story (not exactly my cup of tea)and a murder story--though not a mystery--(I don't read murder mysteries either--only read Edgar Wallace and some Agatha Christie as a teenager) it remains in my memory and the cover is embedded in my brain too.
I remember everything, the scene in the cemetery, the Lady Chablis.
I read it either in Philadelphia or in D.C., late 1990s or early 2000s.
Barendt's book on Murillo glass blowers does not come up to Midnight.
It's like Dominic Dunne-- 1997
Another City, Not My Own is a 1997 novel by Dominick Dunne. The roman à clef, subtitled A Novel in the Form of a Memoir, was inspired by Dunne's experiences in Los Angeles while covering the O.J. Simpson murder trial for Vanity Fair. The hardcover edition ( ISBN 0-609-60100-8) was released by Crown Publishers.
Another City, Not My Own - Wikipedia Wikipedia › wiki › Another_City,_Not_M...
which I read about 10 years ago.
And then of course, theres' Truman Capote's In Cold Blood--which I first heard of in Burma in the 1970s and read also about 10 years ago--between jobs--and with a new job which required a lot of travel but with more flex time. (Thank you, NCGUB, The Burma Fund)
These 3 books are exceptional--read them--
Sir Kazuo Ishiguro--British-Japanese Nobel Laureate in Literature in 2017
I read his first 2 novels and saw the movie version
of Remains of the Day.
I saw him at a book reading in about 1994 in Philadelphia at Borders Book Store.
He asked "Who's handling your book?"
I didn't have a literary agent then and I don't have one now. :(
It's getting "boring"--
He was wearing an old sweater --light brown/beige color with yarn balls? on it.
I'm all for non-white writers--internationals or multicultural Fortunately, there are a lot of us now--writing in English or being translated. South Americans, Nigerians, Indians, Chinese--and a very few Burmese-born--which is not good.
But I am still alive and I am still writing and painting.
A lot of artists and writers make the world wider and more interesting.
Kyi May Kaung

Getty Images--Hiroshima, Nagasaki--you have to buy them--

Greek Mythology--why did Medea kill her children (2 sons) by Jason.

Japanese Nobel Literature Laureates--Kenzaburo Oe--d 2023

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Va Pensiero + modern dance--,vid:b06HY74NPcU,st:0

Irrawaddy--video--youtube--junta boss siphoned off relief funds--English subtitles
Scroll along for other Burma-related videos.

Quote fr W Somerset Maugham--wiki--

on 15 December;[2] Selina Hastings (2010) writes that he died in the early hours of 16 December.[3] The official registration gave the date as 16 December.[4]
Maugham usually published his works under the name of W. Somerset Maugham,[1] but in many biographies and studies of him, including those by Selina Hastings, Jeffrey Meyers and Frederic Raphael, he is referred to in the title as Somerset Maugham tout court.
Of their seven children, three died in infancy.[7]
Hastings comments that for the young Maugham the hardest thing to accept in abandoning religious faith was "the knowledge that with no expectation of an afterlife he would never see his mother again".[17] Maugham wrote in 1894, "I do not believe in God. I see no need of such an idea. It is incredible to me that there should be an after-life. I find the notion of future punishment outrageous and of future reward extravagant. I am convinced that when I die, I shall cease entirely to live; I shall return to the earth I came from".[18]

Saturday, September 21, 2024

BBC--the nun and the monk--

Reviews of Buddhist movie Samsara--filmed in Ladakh, India where many Tibetans live in exile.

Lost Mozart string quartet found--

Swarm of black holes discovered

Plot of James Clavell's Shogun--

In literature it's the Priest in The Thorn Birds--

Hot priest on Jeopardy--

Superyacht that sank said to contain sensitiave data--stranger than fiction.

Google search results--Aung San Suu Kyi and President Obama and Mrs. Clinton at her house. DO NOT FORGET HER, PEOPLE.

Monday, September 16, 2024

Starry starry night--
Van Gogh Museum --Amsterdam--a recreation of Van Gogh in his voice.
In these closeups--you see the colors and brush strokes, pencil strokes better.
Excerpts are probably based on his letters to Theo--who financed him--
Yes, too much is made of his madness--
it was probably manic-depressive disorder--and he was an Aries too.
I always want to write a novel called Dear Theo.
It was Theo's wife who conserved Vincent's paintings and was a one woman PR agent--writing the first essay about her brother in law. Theo died a few months after Vincent--while trying to plan a retrospective exhibition.
They are buried next to each other.
Try to get to Amsterdam--I did and I loved it.
The paintings are quite small--and you can see the East Asian influence.
There is not one of his paintings or drawings that I don't love.
I can look at them forever,
He didn't have an easy life--he was often misunderstood.
He was poor, and people don't treat poor people that well.
After a romantic rejection and the failed religious episode, he just painted and drew feverishly, right through his time in the asylum, where he wrote the food was always on the point of going bad.
But his Dr. Gachet liked him.
Trying to live with Gauguin in the "dream"yellow house was a mistake--clash of personalities--both very intense.
Ahead of his time.
Don McLean - Vincent ( Starry, Starry Night) With Lyrics
As all novelists after Hemingway are Children of Hemingway
all artists aftervan Gogh are Children of Van Gogh.
Kyi May Kaung

Van Gogh show in London--

India sends flood aid toYagi-ravaged Myanmar, Laos, Vietnam.

The sound-scape of new TV mini series--Shogun
Only the voices left in--the rest all made up--
notice in C-drama the sword sounds.
I miss working in sound.
But--in writing you get it all, sight, sounds, smells--thoughts. Past, future, inside different heads.
Omniscient views. Past, present, future.
Glad I'm a writer,
Kyi May Kaung

Major new report AirBusted from Justice for Myanmar and InfoBirmanie
Three of Airbus’s major shareholders are the French, Spanish and German governments, all of which have publicly condemned the Feb.1, 2021 coup in Myanmar as well as the war crimes that followed it.
“While these governments have publicly condemned the Myanmar military’s crimes and committed to stopping arms flows, they appear to be, at least, silent regarding Airbus’s continued collaboration with AVIC behind the scenes,” the report says.
Yadanar Maung, a spokesperson for Justice for Myanmar said: “Airbus has been turning a blind eye to AVIC’s dirty deals with the brutal Myanmar military for too long.”
“With ongoing credible documentation and reporting at the UN of the human rights crisis in Myanmar, Airbus must have known that its key business partner AVIC is supplying aircraft, weapons and ongoing technical maintenance services to the junta in Myanmar,” she added.
Johanna Chardonnieras, coordinator for Info Birmanie, called for the European states that have stakes in Airbus to take action: “The French, Spanish and German governments have a responsibility and a duty to act when Airbus’ partner and investee is linked [to] war crimes.”

Friday, September 13, 2024

Novel--Catalina--on National Book Award long list--fiction.

Salman Rushdie's Knife--

NationalBook Awards--longlists--poetry, fiction,non-fiction--

RFA--in English--Nationwide Burma Floods--

In Burmese--floods--

Floods in Kalaw--junta still bombing

Timothy Snyder's Bloodlands--a NewYork Times bestsller--Hitler, Stalin, Ukraine, Russia, Poland, Jews--
I've been to Auschwitz and Majdanek in Poland.
This is a must read--also Robert Conquest,The Great Terror.

Horrible vulgar place--NPT--built from Burmese people's life blood--USD 4 billion and "free land"--

Floods in NPT-images from Irrawaddy--graphic--

Floods in Naypyitaw--
m a h must have fled in a helicopter already--but don't know where he went.

My letter to Senator Webb in 2009

Kyi May Kaung in Foreign Policy in Focus--

Me--on Asia Pacific American Verse Beings--

Review of my art show--from 2002--

Michael Wood--The Story of India--Part One

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Traditionally, kathakali is performed exclusively by men and young boys who play the parts of both males and females. The dancers are dedicated to its practice throughout their lives. The movement is vigorous and florid. Stylized gestures and facial expressions follow the rules of bharata natyam.Aug 28, 2024
Kathakali | Indian, Theatre, Mask - Britannica

Chinese opera--

Chinese dance and ballet--

Fred Astaire--

Days before Photoshop--or one cubic room--turned around--Fred Astaire dancing on the ceiling--,vid:b1AQjcmzvx8,st:0

Gene Kelly--Singing in the Rain--,vid:swloMVFALXw,st:0

Burl Ives-Ave Maria--

Bing Crosby--"I'm dreaming of a white christmas"

Christmas in the Trenches--

Timothy Snyder--Lecture on Ukraine-

Voila! Timothy Snyder--a star of a scholar if ever there was one--

Cornucopia--Horn of Plenty

Adam Smith on the non-profitability of slavery--

It appears, accordingly, from the experience of all ages and nations, I believe, that the work done by freemen comes cheaper in the end than that performed by slaves. It is found to do so even at Boston, New-York, and Philadelphia, where the wages of common labour are so very high.
Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations.
Take note--
And that is why the Burmese junta is flailing as well as failing.

Tokens left by mothers at the Foundling Hospital--
What I found while Googling-"Foundling Nation"--Adam Smith--Wealth of Nations pdf.
Worth reading--so read it.

Neil Diamond and Linda Press--You don't bring me flowers, any more.,vid:A9Ks0alNIDw,st:0

Palestine economy in free fall--poem.

Palestine economy in free fall--right--just like Burma--
Daily we see images of rubble and bombed out
cities and neighborhoods.
BTW--it all smells the same
ashes, sweetish smell of buried corpses
no water
no food
few people.
Nothing green.
No birds. No crops, no chickens
cattle, fishes, birds.
No trees. No vehicles of any sort.
No children --certainly no laughter.
Tired of useless UN, useless West too.
It does not really matter which photo I attach.

27 conscripted escape to KNU--
I've been waiting for this, but these are only 27 of 000s.
t the very least they will provide plenty of strategic info--which is getting more and more accurate and timely--e g m a h's whereabouts.
Since 1988 forced conscripts used as porters incld village women who are often raped have been forced to walk ahead of regular troops as human "mine-sweepers."
My friend who passed away of old age, helped finance motor boat to rescue (Shan) victims--
SWAN--Shan Women's Action Network supplied contraceptive pills in case rape victims survived and were left pregnant.
I want you to read this because it is all beyond horrible.
You need to know--and don't ever say "Tatmadaw" "Great Mother Army," it's more like sit tat--just "army"
and M--word and "Yangon".
Boring, as they say in the C-dramas.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Play Me--Neil Diamond.,vid:cSg72YwBeaA,st:0

I like this one better--with subtitles--

Neil Diamond--Jonathan Livingstone Seagull- Be!,vid:ZdyH1-xolqA,st:0

New remake of Homer's Odyssey--

"Don't be an ostrich" --had largest number ofblog hits.

Sunday, September 08, 2024

From Rostov on Don wiki--

Rostov-on-Don is the location of the Russian Southern Military District, which includes the 58th Combined Arms Army. As such, it was a key logistical hub during the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine and the 2023 Ukrainian counteroffensive.[16]
On 23 June 2023, amid the conflict in Ukraine, the Wagner Group, a private military company fighting on behalf of the Russian Federation, declared a rebellion against the Russian Ministry of Defence and took control of Rostov-on-Don.[17] On June 24, after reaching a negotiated settlement with the Russian government and military, the Wagner Group withdrew from the city.[18] Government

Friday, September 06, 2024

Found flash poetry-- from 2004-2007--Nincompoops frogs in the well.

Two former sisters in law:
"When I made bread for them in a bread maker, she said this was the best bread she ever tasted."
"She" had never traveled beyond Rangoon and Moulmein even inside Burma.
"Is there good bread in America?"
She was very jealous when I won a scholarship for a Ph.D. *
After Cyclone Nargis:
"We've bribed everyone we should have bribed. Still the electricity is not on yet."
"Wet Poke" Dirty Pig (pseudonym) found a finger in a fish she was cleaning.
"We threw away the fish."
Democracy colleague who jumped the fence in 2011--
from 2007: "You can't shoot prices to keep them down."
So you want to be like J.K.Rawling?
"The (semen) donor is not--It's my friend."
Another former sister in law--"Chickens are cheaper in America."
I didn't even bother explaining to them that America subsidizes the agricultural sector.
Democracy colleague about when ABSDF factions put death threats on each other(Pajau Massacre):
"At this point I had had enough."
It's like a botched marriage or exile,ha?
At this point I've stopped speaking, reading and writing Burmese.
When I said, They should become impotent--meaning"not potent"not powerful
My then husband laughed his head off.

Thursday, September 05, 2024

Literary agents accepting poetry etc--

Don't be an ostrich head in the sand--your bum will still be sticking out--and the junta will bomb it--


m a h targeted during Loikaw visit, 8000 Rohingya flee + guest col. Paul Greening
Reuters--8000 Rohingya in 2 months flee into Bangladesh.
I cld read this--not behind pay wall--at least for me.
This is a new mass outflow--
I don't know who keeps the stats since 2017--
and not all arrive in Bangladesh--many drown--fetch up temporarily in Thailand--pushed back to sea--
some, must be minority, arrive in Malaysia--
Read this tog. with Paul Greening's Know your Enemy--above.
It's safe to assume everyone is your enemy--and the junta is the biggest and most dangerous.
Now they are conscripting trishaw drivers/peddlers--
Trishaws are converted bicycles with 2 passenger seats on the side.

I see you like music and visual art--so will try and post more.

Photo essay --Ballerina mothers --

Non-fiction--The Bolshoi Ballet

Ballerina defected from Russia to protest Putin's invasion of Ukraine,

From wiki--Nureyev was gay and died of AIDS

In 1961, when Fonteyn was considering retirement, Rudolf Nureyev defected from the Kirov Ballet while dancing in Paris. Fonteyn, though reluctant to partner with him because of their 19-year age difference, danced with him in his début with the Royal Ballet in Giselle on 21 February 1962. The duo immediately became an international sensation, each dancer pushing the other to their best performances. They were most noted for their classical performances in works such as Le Corsaire Pas de Deux, Les Sylphides, La Bayadère, Swan Lake, and Raymonda, in which Nureyev sometimes adapted choreographies specifically to showcase their talents. The pair premièred Ashton's Marguerite and Armand, which had been choreographed specifically for them, and were noted for their performance in the title roles of Sir Kenneth MacMillan's Romeo and Juliet. The following year, Fonteyn's husband was shot during an assassination attempt and became a quadriplegic, requiring constant care for the remainder of his life. In 1972, Fonteyn went into semi-retirement, although she continued to dance periodically until the end of the decade. In 1979, she was fêted by the Royal Ballet and officially pronounced the prima ballerina assoluta of the company. She retired to Panama, where she spent her time writing books, raising cattle, and caring for her husband. She died from ovarian cancer exactly 29 years after her premiere with Nureyev in Giselle.

Rudolf Nureyev meets Margot Fonteyn

Twyla Tharp--8 Jelly Roll.

Mikhail Baryshnikov--in Don Quixote--the dancing god--

Pucccini's La Boheme--They call me Mimi

The birdcatcher and his girlfriend--,vid:9Q0ZDZB-AnM,st:0

Rene Pape--Within these sacred halls--

Rene Pape--O Isis and Osiris--from Mozart's The Magic Flute--,vid:oeP0NOPAIys,st:0
Lyrics translated by poet JD McClatchy.

Flashmob--Ravel's Bolero,vid:ILNDWCLVnpw,st:0

Met at Home Gala--Va Pensiero--

Jascha Heifetz--Tchaikovsky's violin concerto--,vid:kFaq9kTlcaY,st:0

Turkish Radio--Interview of Dr Maung Zarni

Tuesday, September 03, 2024

50 novels featuring old women--international--
I've only read A Student of History by Nina Revoyr--published by Akashic Books--which has some connection to George Pelacanos--whose mother lives in my building.
It was when there was still this bookstore on Wisconsin Av. When I said, "I would like to meet more writers," Pelecanos said,"I never socialize with writers. None of my friends are writers."
Now I begin to get the point. It's better to observe people.
Or spin stories off of imagined or observed moments.
For instance there was this pretty girl at Teaism embroidering a gold threaded badge for her boyfriend, who she said was graduating from West Point."
From my radio job and my favorite economics professor in NY, I learned to chat with taxi drivers who come from all over--the Ethiopian, the Syrian, the one from Rwanda--But I don't chat with some who look like wierdos-
The Ethiopian asked me a strange question--What's your religion?
The one in Amsterdam said, "It's so sad you don't see your brother in Burma.
The one from Rwanda who drove around Sheridan Circle twice while I recorded his comments on Rwanda.
One said how much he admired Putin--the gold doors.
Another said he would not mind being in the same room with "Moose Barbie."
A panoply of characters in search of a story.
Or the poet who told me at a Pew reception for finalists--how his girlfriend and he went to get an abortion, when they were teenagers--and "all the way back I heard a baby crying."
Some come to lunch just to tell me a story--which became 53 Red Roses.
Thank you,
Kyi May Kaung.

Women's health--medical--HRT--menopause
Just use this for general info.
See a qualified medical professional--
In my experience --so called info=opinions sprayed out verbally are all wrong--
And an over reliance on religion and meditation only resulted in the death they were preparing themselves for.

Monday, September 02, 2024

Heard on a writing/publishing panel--

Be aware what genre you are writing (when you approach agents).

Author of 24 romance novels and thrillers--
I'll only read one--
Guess which?

Beautiful art video and music--Cox's Bazaar to Saint Martin--Naaf River,vid:XthmV-Wfg9I,st:0

Special post--Don Mclean--Vincent--Starry Starry Night
Copyright--Kaung--needlepoint after van Gogh

Alan Clements writes directly to Mohammed Yunus in Dhaka
There is a profound crisis of truth in our world today—a crisis exacerbated by misinformation and the distortion of facts. Daw Aung San Suu Kyi has been vilified by many, her legacy marred by accusations of collusion with the military. Yet, evidence strongly refutes these claims. Her speeches and actions over the years, documented in a comprehensive four-volume series by myself and my colleague Fergus Harlow, reveal a leader steadfast in her commitment to justice and democracy.
The situation in Myanmar is escalating. Weapons supplied by global powers like Russia and China are fueling the conflict, pushing the nation closer to the abyss. The world cannot afford to turn a blind eye. It is in this context that I appeal to Prof. Yunus. His leadership in Bangladesh offers a rare opportunity to influence the course of history in Myanmar.
We propose the Ashoka Peace Accords—a call for the immediate release of Myanmar’s democratic leaders and an end to the violence that threatens to engulf the nation. The world is crying out for peace, dialogue and reconciliation—not state-sanctioned murder. This initiative could mark the beginning of a second wave of independence in Myanmar, where truth, dignity and the power of conscience prevail over tyranny.
The assassination of Ko Ni, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi’s lawyer, is a chilling reminder of the stakes involved. His murder, while holding his grandchild in broad daylight, was not just an attack on an individual; it was an attack on justice, freedom and the rule of law. This act of brutality underscores the urgent need for international intervention.
Prof. Yunus has the power to be a catalyst for change in Myanmar. His voice, his influence, and his moral authority can shine a light on the injustices occurring in Myanmar, galvanizing global action. The recent victory in Bangladesh can serve as an inspiration—‚a demonstration of what is possible when courage and conscience come together.
The people of Myanmar, like those in Bangladesh, yearn for freedom, justice, and the restoration of democracy. The release of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and the thousands of political prisoners rotting in Myanmar’s prisons is not just a necessity for Myanmar’s future—it is a moral imperative for the world.
As Bangladesh navigates its own path forward, may it also lead the charge for justice and freedom in Myanmar. The world is watching, and the stakes could not be higher. This is a moment for bold leadership and unwavering commitment to the principles that unite us all as human beings.
Alan Clements is an author, human rights activist, investigative journalist and former Buddhist Monk and co-author of “Burma’s Revolution of the Spirit: The Struggle for Democratic Freedom and Dignity”.
This article first appeared in The Bangkok Post.

Va Pensiero

Elton John--Abide with Me--

Un bel di--

Nessun Dorma--None Shall Sleep

I Started a Joke--Robin Gibbs--

John Lennon's Imagine--

My Rohingya activists' handbook--

Rohingya photographer who won awards--graphic--heart-rending
No group of people deserves to be systematically annihilated.

CNN--graphic--vast sale of kidneys as people sink into poverty--Myanmar

My short story Beast--Himal Fiction Fest 2023

Adult Romance+ fantasy/sci fi and candles smelling of old books :)
Shit--I don't need to buy these silly candles--

Archive of Our Own--fansite--
I really don't think I can plow through all this--
Easier to read online samples on Amazon and look at the ratings.

Sunday, September 01, 2024

WH acknowledges leak (Yemen) involving highest security individuals--scroll down.