Saturday, January 11, 2025

Cretaceous vegetation--

Plant life during the Cretaceous period (145–66 million years ago) included flowering plants, conifers, ferns, and other types of plants. Flowering plants Angiosperms The first flowering plants appeared during the Cretaceous period and quickly became the most common type of plant life. Angiosperms include figs, magnolias, poplars, willows, and sycamores. Mutualistic relationships The evolution of flowering plants led to more common relationships between plants and insects. Other plants
Conifers replaced seed ferns, ginkgos, and cycads.
Ferns in the order Polypodiales began to diversify during the
Cretaceous period.
Dawn redwoods
These trees could grow to be over 60 meters tall and were alive when the T. rex walked the Earth.
Marine plankton
Coccolithophores became abundant and formed chalk deposits, which is how the Cretaceous period is named.
Other plant groups
Pteridosperms, or "seed ferns, Caytoniales, Cladophlebis, Credneria, Cupuliferoidaepollenites, Cycadeoidaceae, and Cycadeoidea.

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