Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Dolphins in warfare--AI.

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Yes, the military has used dolphins in war, including in the Vietnam War and the US invasion of Iraq:
The Navy Marine Mammal Program: The Navy trains dolphins and sea lions to detect, locate, and recover objects and threats in the water. These threats can include mines, explosives, enemy divers, and vessels. Dolphins are particularly useful for searching for mines because they have the most sophisticated sonar known to science.
The Vietnam War: The Navy sent five dolphins to Cam Ranh Bay to guard military boats and perform underwater surveillance. The US invasion of Iraq: Dolphins were used to clear mines from the Persian Gulf.
Other uses for military marine mammals include: Rescuing lost naval swimmers, Protecting navy ships from enemy divers, and Locating and recovering equipment lost on the seabed.
The Great Dolphin Dilemma | Hakai Magazine
The Navy's Marine Mammal Program is based in San Diego Bay. The program's first military project was Sea Lab II in 1965, where a bottlenose dolphin named Tuffy carried mail and tools to navy personnel.
The US has always claimed that it has never trained dolphins to kill, but some former Navy dolphin trainers have said otherwise.
Military marine mammal - Wikipedia
A military marine mammal is a cetacean or pinniped that has been trained for military uses. Examples include bottlenose dolphins, Wikipedia
Navy Dolphins - Historical Chronology | A Whale Of A Business - PBS sea lab II. In 1965, the Marine Mammal Program began its first military project: Sea Lab II. Working in the waters off La Jolla, C... PBS
A short history of war dolphins. Mar 28, 2016 — On purely emotional grounds, there is something perverse about the idea of using a dolphin as an instrument of war. We... Slate

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