Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Highly recommended--Danny Glover Interviews Harry Belafonte--2000--Just beautiful.
I had a Black friend in Boulder,CO,Pat Moore, who grew up in Harlem, and knew Langston Hughes, the poet.
I first heard Belafonte's This is my Island in the Sun,in Rangoon in the 1950s, and fromthat time I remembered the lines--"Eyes were blue, it was not by me."
Now I'm going to write a novel along those lines.
I had a (former?) sis in law who was very proud of her white skin and liked to boast about it in a most peculiar way.
More later--I don't like to talk of long works I have not written yet. Kaung 1-22-2025

Terrible--Myanmar signsnuclear deal with Putin--