Sunday, January 12, 2025

I'm starting my independent study--How to shoot video--right now, today.,vid:ZXjdbDVrjAE,st:0
This is still too advanced for me right now,bc I still don't know how to shoot video with my camera and my cell phone--and I don't know how to download and don't have an editing app yet.
But--I could always take a basic course and
the principles of Mood, Pacing, Telling the story are familiar to me from my audio/radio work and of course, my writing.
For this one I would add my own narration.
Here's my made-up e.g.
On January 10th I finally found Grandma and Grandpa's old house when they lived in Iowa in the 1880s. It took some looking, as the whole community had disappeared, and everything was abandoned but . . .
1. Length--Economy. Economy. Economy. Take only the least # of shots. Here only ten. Three minutes total is enough for a song, and enough for a video or audio piece.
2. In general, I am against "wallpaper" canned music.
3. In my 3 years of radio work, I used music bridges,mostly classical,I cut myself, I also mixed by myself and cast the voices from my co-workers.
4. Mood is very important--language, the languages of color and movement.
5. Watch high quality movies, listen to classical music,read good novels and short stories. Look at good art.
That's all for today. Try it out next time you shoot video.
General Warning: Don't try anything in dangerous conditions like the Myanmar-Thai Border or at heated political demonstrations.
Kyi May Kaung

Geology--India is splitting in two.