Saturday, January 11, 2025

We need your help--lobby for Jack Smith to prosecute Myanmar--fwd this to everyone you know. index.html
Pl do what you can--spread the idea, talk to journalists, call the WH, write op eds.
We, ie, political exiles from Burma, started in 1994 with Canadian Friends of Burma, asking for sanctions--we also got almost 10 years of even a quasi-democracy.
now we see newer levels of atrocities and bombings.
Jack Smith is the perfect person.
Pl do something. Everyone knows someone.
When Kyaw Zaw Lwin was arrested I only emailed 7 people.
Please help me steer him towards prosecuting M junta--

English actor Idris Elba-- I've read Beasts of No Nation--written in an invented patois from the point of view of a chil...