Thursday, February 20, 2025

Myanmar Thai Border scam centers--Yeni interviews Jason Tower.

But those BGF leaders need access to the Thai border, and it would basically cut off their ability to go across the border. And I imagine at some point Interpol could become involved. It could be a new source of potential tensions between the Myanmar military and the Thai government.
I think he said systemically,not systematically.
Border Guard Forces are the problem and junta is probably getting a cut too.
It's like 2004 when Khin Nyunt and coterie were purged, involvement with the Northern opium warlords.
It's like the Burmese saying, The monkey you put on a pedestal is scaring you now.

Thriller--good--The Contractor--international hit man--former marine discharged for drug use

for knee injury. 4.5 out of 5 stars--my rating. plot twist in the middle. kmk 2-21-2025