Tuesday, July 31, 2007

AngkorArcheological Park -- Main Park Area


This map shows the "small tour route" (petit circuit) as well as the "grand tour route" (grand circuit.)

Public domain image of Angkor Wat replica -- from Wikipedia

The maker of this replica seems to have assumed, anomalously, that the corner towers were in the Banteay Srei style -- visually, as you can see, it does not at all "fit" the prangs of the main quincux of towers.

From the remaining shape and style of the 3 towers at the first entryway, immediately after the moat and before the causeway, I am inclined to think that the corner towers would have echoed the same prang shape as the towers in the central shrine.

Besides, Bateay Srei (consecrated 967 AD) - is much earlier than Angkor Wat (early 12th century) and is recognised as a different style by most art scholars and historians.

Just speaking visually as a practicing artist, I think the anonymous architect/designer of Angkor Wat was too fine an artist to make a visual error as we see in this rather jumbled (Thai) replica.

See Thierry Diwo, Angkor Wat Forever, for an aerial view of Angkor Wat. You will see what I am talking about.

K. M. Kaung

P.S. -- The photographer has granted permission for anyone to use this image, copy or modify it.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Pics from my Yo! art show opening in Chiangmai, July 14, 2007

"She did not recognise herself, and she's not the first!" Photo and painting copyright Kyi M. Kaung.
"Jackson Pollock" art demo -- photo copyright K.M. Kaung.

" Enjoy the show!" Photo K.M. Kaung

Primary P.R. Person M.M.S. and Husband S.S. Photo K.M. Kaung

"Get together." Photo and paintings copyright K.M. Kaung

"M.C. briefing" photo K.M. Kaung.

"Flowers for the 3-women show" photo K.M. Kaung.

"Are you taking them in a tuk tuk?" Photo and paintings copyright K.M.Kaung

Pig Picture from Siem Reap, Cambodia

Pigs to market, Siem Reap, Cambodia. Photo copyright Kyi May Kaung.

Thanks to my guide S.B. (for snapping the picture with my camera) and my driver -- Next time I will do a people tour, a chronological tour or a "royal roads" tour.

The pigs are being transported by motor bike along road to Western Baray (pronounced "bar- I" as in "The King and I.")

The road runs parallel to an old canal built by the Angkor kings which is still in use. Earlier we saw pink baby pigs in small cages.

Copyright Kyi May Kaung

Irrawaddy has re-published my 2001 article on Burma and Sanctions


I had another near miss with Ma Thanegi, well known junta apologist, at the art opening for 35 Myanmar artists at Chiangmai Art Museum, Chiangmai, Thailand on 13th July.

I went there to see the beautiful art and the artists. But Ma Thanegi seems to have thought this a good occasion to pick a fight with me.

I managed to walk away and see the art.

I felt if she had an issue with the 2001 article, she should have written a repartee to The Irrawaddy between then and now, almost 7 years.

Last year I saw her from a distance at the Burma Studies Seminar in Singapore. I smiled at her, but she avoided me.

Chiangmai gossip is that she is under pressure herself from the junta, and also that she is working on "sending the Palaung home."

If so, Burma watchers need to pay attention.

I have no way of checking these rumors.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

How wonderful to be back in the USA again

After almost a month on the road, it is truly wonderful to be back in the USA again.

I can blog again as my blog is in English now and not in Thai.

Angkor in Cambodia was Amazing.

I discovered a ground orchid at dawn at Angkor Wat.

It looked like stars or blossoms fallen from a tree.

I brought back 3 pressed blooms, but somehow forgot to take pictures of them -- but -- amazing again, I found untitled photographs of the same orchid in a guide book on Chiangmai.

I will find out what is the name of "my orchid" by writing to the biodiversity center listed there.

How wonderful and awful is globalisation.

Copyright Kyi May Kaung

Russian billionaires sanctioned by Biden--this article is 2 years old
