Sunday, July 29, 2007

How wonderful to be back in the USA again

After almost a month on the road, it is truly wonderful to be back in the USA again.

I can blog again as my blog is in English now and not in Thai.

Angkor in Cambodia was Amazing.

I discovered a ground orchid at dawn at Angkor Wat.

It looked like stars or blossoms fallen from a tree.

I brought back 3 pressed blooms, but somehow forgot to take pictures of them -- but -- amazing again, I found untitled photographs of the same orchid in a guide book on Chiangmai.

I will find out what is the name of "my orchid" by writing to the biodiversity center listed there.

How wonderful and awful is globalisation.

Copyright Kyi May Kaung

The end of some billionaires--sobering--esp. the plastic surgeried face of one of the women.