Sunday, August 09, 2009

Performance art in Burma,1,7666886.story

I met Moe Satt in Chiangmai some years ago.

I told him if he wants to continue the performance art, he should live outside, but he preferred to live there and stop contacting me.

That's fine.

Eventually the junta will find everything is political. Artists and writers walk a fine line, until they can walk it no longer. I did not feel artists like Moe Satt should be risking their lives for a five minute performance. But of course writers also risk all, all the time, for a few words or sentences of the truth.

Blog post copyright Kyi May Kaung

Excerpt copied and pasted from Irrawaddy--Probable 3 way alliance--scam centers, BGF and Junta-- To make matters worse, the KNU and ...