Wednesday, December 05, 2012

VOA interview in Burmese of former Ashin Gambira's - now in lay clothes for health reasons - brother -- His brother told VOA's Thein Htike Oo that they don't know exactly where he is right now, he suffered many mental health problems due to 5 years of torture in prison, he is not guilty of any of the charges of breaking and entering to reside in the sealed Maggin Monastery -- / the brother says it was very difficult to find doctors to treat his brother, and now the specialist says he needs 6 months more at least of treatment - in spite of that he was arrested, the family thinks it is because in the wake of the military regime's brutal crackdown on the Letpadaung Taung copper mine demonstrators, since so many monks were injured,the military government probably fears another monks uprising of the proportions of the 2007 Saffron Revolution, and have thus arrested his brother (who was one of the leaders in 2007) -/ Informal translation and summary,/ kmk

Rare earths and Burma/Myanmar