Saturday, January 12, 2013

Sightings of Gordon H. Luce and Daw Tee Tee Luce - a long ago "love affair"

sent to a fellow blogger - 1-12-2013/ Thanks again, glad you translated and put it up, in years I knew them she looked just as in photo -/ I had only 1/2 a day to go to see Luce's archive at Australian National Library, in Canberra, which my brother had catalogued, but I did not know it till I got there and Burmese students told me-/ Luce corresponded with a large # of people, including John Maynard Keynes, the Bloomsbury Group etc - Chinese scholar Arthur Waley -/ he was very fond of me and I of him - one memorable occasion in 50s when I was 13 when he cast me as Juliet while at 80? he read Romeo in a reading of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet was unforgettable - all the other readers were his students in Eng Lit at Rangoon Univ. and I don't know how the ma mas and ko kos felt abt me - I was too shy to chat with them, and just read the role Saya Luce told me to read and then came home./ I have other memories which I should write down /- do you mind if I post this addition on my blog?/ aunty/ --- On Sat, 1/12/13, wrote: > From: > Subject: Re: present (today) + past - blog post > To: > Date: Saturday, January 12, 2013, 12:54 AM > what a shameful act of Burmese > authority who force to put off wedding > ring from Daw TT Luce. > > here is my old translation abt her, back on 5 years ago. The > original > link can't even accessed anymore. > > >

Sagaing earthquake--building collapse in Bangkok--Ava Bridge in Myanmar--many images online