Saturday, April 13, 2013

A conversation on race and nationality - from my Facebook page -

  • Myo Nyunt Kyi May The p[otamac I prsume. The lady in the middle can be either of Asian descent but American. Thats great in the USA, not like other countries-- you know.
  • Kyi May Kaung Yes, every time I come home, I appreciate how lucky I am to live in America. It is the Tidal Basin at Cherry Blossom time, peaked last week - lovely lady in middle is our own Khin Phyu Htway who works at VOA - I am happy you said, "it could be anyone" --- I have been mistaken for a Korean in S. Korea, a Mongolian at a Mongolian Conference, a Thai etc - now I do not even think about it and few ask - except when I get to Thailand - One asked "Aunty, what is your religion" five minutes after we first met, which annoyed me a lot, so I said "Buddhist-Christian." Maybe I should have said Liberal Democrat or Artist/Writer. Am reading Salman Rushdie's memoir "Joseph Anton" in which he describes his secular family (originally).

Amy Sherald's art web page at gallery wh represents her.