Sunday, April 14, 2013

The conversation continues - Who is she? Who am I? - Kyi May Kaung - talks to U Myo Nyunt -

  • Myo Nyunt Kyi May The p[otamac I prsume. The lady in the middle can be either of Asian descent but American. Thats great in the USA, not like other countries-- you know.
  • Kyi May Kaung Yes, every time I come home, I appreciate how lucky I am to live in America. It is the Tidal Basin at Cherry Blossom time, peaked last week - lovely lady in middle is our own Khin Phyu Htway who works at VOA - I am happy you said, "it could be anyone...See More
  • Myo Nyunt Well Kyi May, we all are in (or either trapped) liminal or better still Liquid States-- formations -- ala Bauman, You know, i do not know what I am anymore. Having seen - experienced to an extent, the evil and good together.. Having lived-crossed into different worlds, languages/tongues spoken , religeon, places. To me, while walking , this morning to the small shopping centre ( 15 mins brisk walk) to buy the Sunday newspaper, hoping to read wether war has started in the Korean Peninsular , just read that Us and China would see to it that it wont happen. SAVED.. I am serious for my old seniile curiosity wether anything about DAw Sus US will be in The Australian newspaper. On the face book. Branden Brazil photos keep my wild emotions satiated for the time being, knowing that he will say what is a reflection of the "reality" and not of the "human frailities" and the circus we always have to watch and live with. Meeting-departing, in my years of living , I am nowadays reconciled to to the fact that-- there are tears of sadness as there are also tears of joy. Hope lives on. A young friend, he 57 told me he would pick me up to go to a Buddhist Monastry this afternoon, for tet kyee kadaw pwe, but as usual I could not. Anyway I am quite comfortable to accompany Khin Myo to the Myanmar Baptist Church, listen to the sermons in Myanmar and the hyms in Burmese all written by Anglo- Saxon Chritians of yore. Being born in Burma of a two half castes or mixed breeds, one a Buddhist and another a Zaroastan, I do really like to think and perhaps live as a Sufi or a Nomad ( Kyi may you being a scholar, poet, artist is one-- smile) . Maybe I was one in my past lives roaming with the camel caravns with merchants, mercenaries, missionariies and the militants, in The Middle Crescent
    , Tigris and Nile Valley and the wide Arabian Desert.. Will pour water on The Buddha and light canles now. With Metta

Pentagon to fire 5,400 employees--backlash builds