Tuesday, July 02, 2013

Kyi May Kaung's dissertation oral defense in 1993 -

My Pol. Sci. dissertation chair had earlier said, "It will be a bestseller."

Burma expert Prof. Josef Silverstein came to my orals and I took him on the D bus and treated him to lunch at the Burmese restaurant.

My dissertation in its entirety can be found on line at Penn Commons.

I proved based on a theory that I formulated myself and various country experiences, that central control and planning do not work.

The countries I looked at included Burma, the then Soviet Union, Paraguay (dictatorship), Zaire (former Belgium Congo), the People's Republic of China, India under its five year plans.

I will relate more about my subject areas, comprehensive exams. etc later.

Kyi May Kaung

Rare earths and Burma/Myanmar
