Saturday, April 08, 2017

Kaung tweets, ref. Syria

23s24 seconds ago
Yes take care of Assad but wh of collateral damage innocent deaths. Really damned if he does & d-ed if he doesn't for T. & now N Korea
I told you so. Syria strike was called "proportional" now in one step to regime change, see Niki Haley below. Disgusting. 4-8-2017
Trump's U.N. envoy says ouster of al-Assad is a priority of U.S. via
US aircraft carrier-led strike group headed toward Korean Peninsula
Amal Clooney & Nadia Murad CNN's GPS w Fareed Zakaria Nadia is fr Yazidi minority & was captured & raped by IS.

Sagaing earthquake--building collapse in Bangkok--Ava Bridge in Myanmar--many images online