Burma, America, The World, Art, Literature, Political Economy through the eyes of a Permanent Exile. "We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the oppressed. Sometimes we must interfere. . . There is so much injustice and suffering crying out for our attention . . . writers and poets, prisoners in so many lands governed by the left and by the right." Elie Wiesel, Nobel Peace Prize Speech, 1986, Oslo. This entire site copyright Kyi May Kaung unless indicated otherwise.
Saturday, August 26, 2017
Article by Dr Maung Zarni, from his blog, on Rohingya of Burma
Annotation key
gold-- important
aqua --even more important
shocking pink--my comments.
I am sending this out bc even well educated ppl living overseas swallow the junta's propaganda hook line and sinker.
You may still not believe us, but at your own peril.
You will equate the Rohingya w ISIS, wh is not the same at all.
By traveling to Burma, you may empower the junta by giving them foreign exchange in the form of visa, hotel fees etc.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: M Zarni
Date: Sat, Aug 26, 2017 at 9:41 AM
Subject: Are the Rohingya militants responsible for derailing Kofi
Annan Commission's recommendations?
Are the Rohingya militants responsible for derailing Kofi Annan
Commission's recommendations?
To start with, Annan's report itself stressed that all the military
MPs in the national parliament joined hands with the military-backed
former ruling party Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP) and
Rakhine nationalists' Arakan National Party attempted to officially
stopped the establishment of Annan Commission in the parliament. They
did not succeed.
Within the past 1 year since Annan Commission was created by Aung San
Suu Kyi in Sept 2017, the military and its proxies in society - such
as Ma Ba Tha, anti-Muslim and anti-Rohingya (racist, state-sponsored) monk group have pushed
non-cooperation with it, something the final report itself noted.
Weeks before Annan Commission released its final report, the Burmese
military high command was very busy, mobilizing and air-lifting
hundreds of troops from Light Infantry Division 33, notorious for
merciless and indiscriminate killings of civilians in any urban
unrest, to Rakhine, arming and training anti-Rohingya Rakhine
villagers in fire arms and fighting, blockading the predominantly
Rohingya region of N. Rakhine from accessing food and jobs, and
spreading fears of attacks on INGOs and UN agencies providing
humanitarian assistance.
You can't analyze Rohingya militancy and recent attacks, without
taking in to account this build-up of both the government troops and
militarizing and arming of hostile local Rakhine (Burman) villages.
As a matter of the Burmese Commander in Chief Min Aung Hlaing's
Burmese language Facebook timeline - updated after his meeting with
Kofi Annan on the morning of the day of the Final Report's release -
made it clear that the military leadership did not agree with reports'
findings. His Facebook posting said the report contained factual
errors, meaning not credible.
Min Aung Hlaing also apparently attempted to deceive Kofi Annan and
his commission that the Burmese troops are simply engaged in the
"clearance operations" targeting only the "Bengali terrorists" in the
mountain hideouts where there are hardly any innocent civilians.
Then hours later the Burmese Air Force gunship helicopters were
reportedly firing rockets and bombing targeted Rohingya villages.
So, "who is terrorising whom"" is the question that needs to be
confronted head on.
There is something else that needs to be called out: the mass media's
misframing of Rohingya militants as "jihadists".
Both the realities on the ground and the media narrative covering the
realities are quite skewered in favour of the perpetrating Burmese
regime's framing. It frames the militant rohingyas as "Jihadists" - a
term with a religious connotation as if Rohingyas were religiously
motivated along the lines of ISIS. The leader and some rank and
files may have been trained in fighting in countries like Pakistan,
but their emergence is not triggered by their extremist interpretations of Islam. By their statements you can definitively
tell that they (the junta, the skewed media) want the crippling ghetto-like conditions all Rohingya
communities have been forced to live in for almost 40 years (to continue).
Their goals are not creating an Islamic state in the predominantly
Buddhist country, nor independence from Myanmar. They have made it
clear publicly, they want simply what the rest of the public have -
equality before the law, freedom to live in peace, freedom to move
about so that they can work, earn a living and feed their children,
recognition that they are citizens and they belong in Burma, not in
Bangladesh, whatever the colonial history from 150 years ago.
The least the activists can do on the ground - or internationally - is
to correct this narrative.
They are armed with machetes and farm tools, equipped with some mobile
phones and use the most primitive type of explosives, which make all
this reportage about Rohingyas receiving catches of AK-47s and Saudi
money, citing "un-named intelligence sources" utterly non-credible.
my own experience with years of dealing with intelligence officials
is I take their words with a giant grain of salt: they are simply
un-trust worthy, by profession spreaders of misinformation about
target groups.
The western media and government officials (and think tanks) -
infested with general Islamophobia - are too quick to frame any
Muslim who resists against injustices or fight back any power that
subjects their communities to Hell-like conditions as "prospective
Jihadist", "jihadist" or "extremist" or "Terrorist".
Suu Kyi's military partners have been attempting to play this
"we-are-fighting-the-war-on-terror" game since 2012. Just
yesterday, Suu Kyi has just joined this band-wagon when she uses the
label "terrorists" to refer to the Rohingya militants and condemns
them while she has only defended her father's army against the
enormity of allegations of crimes against humanity.
Getting this record straight is one concrete thing activists and
Rohingya victims themselves can do.
This is the war that Myanmar - both the army and Suu Kyi's gov - are
waging against Rohingyas to further demonize and criminalize them
while maintaining the ghettoized conditions on the grounds for more
than 1 million Rohingyas.
You lift these conditions, and I guarantee that the Rohingya militancy
will immediately stop.
For these young Rohingya men, primitively armed, are not fighting to
go to Heaven as Martyrs, they are fighting back because they and their
communities are sitting ducks awaiting the next round of mass
When these young and 'angry' men - as UN Special Rapporteur on human
rights in Myanmar Professor Yangee Lee put it - fight back the mighty
oppressor, Myanmar Tatmadaw, they are making a bad choice, of course,
among all bad choices. Do they subject themselves to semi-slavery in
the hands of human traffickers, or risk drowning in the high seas? Do
they allow themselves and their families to remain in semi-famine
conditions? Do they simply lie down and let themselves be slaughtered by
the organized gangs of racist Rakhine neighbours who want to cleanse
the entire N. Rakhine of any and all Rohingya Muslims, with the full
backing of the military State? Do they want wait for UN intervention
which will never materialise?
Most everything the world is hearing about all the recent
killing spree of civilians in N. Rakhine by "ski-masked gangs" and
other stories framed as "terrorist activities" come from a single
source: AUng San SUu Kyi's Information Committee. Well, she has
become part of the genocidal hell for Rohingyas, covering up and
denying the systematic and pervasive rights violations and violence
committed by her father's army. Suu Kyi’s façade govt, itself is getting “data” from the junta, and apparently believing it.
Finally, Annan, Western Governments (USA, France, UK, etc.) and UN
office in Myanmar are too quick to condemn Rohingya militant attacks
as "undermining" Kofi Annan's peace and mediation efforts while the
very same entities have held their nose on what they know to be at
best crimes against humanity and at worst a full-scaled genocide in
slow motion which Rohingyas have been subjected to over the last
almost 40 years.
Like all previous genocidal cases, wittingly or not these external
players are complicit in the verifiably systematic and pervasive
attempts by Myanmar to destroy the entire ethnic community of Rohingyas, Karen, Kachin and Others.
If there is anyone or group who deserves unequivocal condemnations
for the escalation of
violence and militancy in N. Rakhine its both the perpetrators and the
external enablers which I mentioned above.
Even in Auschwitz and crippling ghettos, Nazi victims and inmates rose
up taking as many SS Exterminators as they possibly could with them,
knowing full well their eventual fate.
Should we the bystanders condemn the Nazi inmates who attempted to
rise up and put the desperate violence of the oppressed on the same moral
parity with the systematic genocidal violence by the perpetrators?
I for one am NOT prepared to condemn violence across the board,
whatever that makes me. I may or I may not chose to resort to
violence or militancy were I in a Rohingya situation. But I have
absolutely no moral authority to condemn them as a privileged man
whose family and himself live in comfort and safety overseas.
Above all I respect the dignity and the need for self-respect of even
the most wretched among us to decide their own fates, whatever their
choice. They actually have no choice, as already in internal concentration camps since at least 2011. Comments in pink by KMK.
Kyi May Kaung
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Intel assessment warns against conflating legal anti-Musk protests with vandalism--