Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Madame Butterfly in Melbourne Go if you can, at least try and catch it somewhere. I did some research a few months ago, and Puccini based it on a story, based on 2 interracial couples. One was a woman married to the rep of the famous trading co, Jardine Matthiessen. That marriage was a happy one. But Puccini and his lyricist added the sad ending. The son was ostracized due to his mixed race background and died in the Nagasaki bombing. I have been thinking abt that for awhile, but have not started work on it yet. As for the opera, it is perfect in every way, and it is sung over and over and over for a good reason. If you read the libretto, which is available online, you will see that the story, dialogue, and characterizations are perfect also, especially the maid and the marriage broker, and the general who proposes to Butterfly, and is rejected. Especially when she says she has "an American marriage" and she can't be divorced so easily. I thought the sets, the music, the singing, everything was just perfect in the Kennedy Center production that I saw. I also enjoyed the fiber glass heads by the set designer. kmkaung 8-16-2017 Hall of Nations Kennedy Center DC.JPG Kyi May Kaung Words Sounds and Images

Intel assessment warns against conflating legal anti-Musk protests with vandalism--