Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Mark my words, they are making these conciliatory moves because Mueller Investigation is getting closer and closer--

1. Hope Hicks will be interviewed. 2. Melania cuts ties with friend who got 26 m from their Inauguration Fund, no one knows for what. 3. trmp donates "foreign profits' from his DC hotel, to US Treasury--but he was not supposed to have them in the first place. On other hand, Buvanks still going to S Korea to represent USA--her father???? Still with no security clearance. She should have tried figure skating instead. trmp last week had "listening session" with Parkland School shooting survivors, but-- needed a checklist with points facing out !!! held in his hand, to remind himself to show empathy. Whose advice was that? If he really wanted to be reminded, he would have held the note card facing himself. This WH is beyond belief. One student said, she's never met anybody she was so unimpressed by. Go girl, go! Good luck and long long life to Parkland Survivors, we love you, we are behind you. You are our future leaders, not mr d j t and family. --kmk 2-27-2018

Sagaing earthquake--building collapse in Bangkok--Ava Bridge in Myanmar--many images online
