Saturday, June 16, 2018

Quote of the day--from Yann Martel Life of Pi, wiki.

From 2007 to 2011, Martel ran a guerrilla book club with the then Prime Minister of Canada, Stephen Harper, sending the Prime Minister a book every two weeks for four years, a total of more than a hundred novels, plays, poetry collections, graphic novels and children's books. Each gift was accompanied by a letter explaining the worth of the book. The point was to make clear to Stephen Harper that reading literature is not only a pleasure, but an essential way of knowing the world and understanding life.[67][68] For all his efforts, Martel received not a single reply from the Prime Minister.[67] The letters were published as a book in 2012, 101 Letters to a Prime Minister.[69][70] The Polish magazine Histmag cited him as the inspiration behind their giving of books to the Prime Minister Donald Tusk, however, this was a one-off with only 10 books involved, which had been donated by their publishers and selected by readers of the magazine. Tusk reacted very positively.[71]

How trump's Ukraine aid halt affects US defense (arms) industry.