Thursday, July 26, 2018

Record nearly 1000 blog hits on this blog yesterday (Pompeo Hearing etc)

900 + blog hits on this blog yesterday. Mostly from USA. Since about 2 months ago, blog hits from France have completely dropped off top ten. Ditto Burma. Now a mix of Vietnam, Brazil,Russia, China etc. I don't see any pattern and quite evenly distributed except for USA, and as I blog mostly about USA now that makes sense. They don't look like bots, though I have no way of saying. A real bot would shoot up fantastical numbers even as I watched the stats, and it only happened once, from Russia. However, I would not rule it out. After all, all US intel chiefs from 17 agencies say Russia constantly meddles. Just so you know. Facebook stock is also falling. kmk 7-26-2018

Much to read from the Atlantic--incld--Friday Night Massacre.