Monday, September 23, 2019

Please review this Rohingya booklet if you have the time--

There's a pretty long "look inside" option, so you don't even need to buy the booklet.

The junta used to egg on the Arakanese against the Rohingya, but is now fighting the AA (Arakan Army).

This handbook gives "all you need to know" about the Rohingya (a subset of Burmese Muslims) having been there for literally ages, before there were such things as national borders. 

Nobel Laureate A K Sen said at a conference at Columbia U that I helped organize, "It's more true that the borders were drawn between them, than that they came in (from Bangladesh) across the border."

Border lines began only in the 19th century.

The Rohingya have been there since the 8th-10th centuries.

This booklet compiles how they came and their history in Burma--they came on Arab dhows utilizing the monsoon winds.   See also Michael Wood, The Story of India.


Intel assessment warns against conflating legal anti-Musk protests with vandalism--