Saturday, April 11, 2020

Albert Camus' The Plague

First written and translated in 1948, it's easy to see why it's a classic and Camus won the Nobel Prize,

It must have never gone out of print and I wonder if the price went up in recent days.

I'll buy it when my Stimulas check arrives.

I'll look to see if there's a Project Guttenberg free e-copy online.

A previous book by Camus that I bought in Bkk was so depressing, I marked it at 25 c and then gave it away free to an Indian couple who didn't have 25 c on them--nice conversation last summer, when I had my flea market table, but I didn't see them again.

I guess no libraries open now and no flea markets or July 4 fireworks/receptions either--though if there are fireworks I cld see them from my window.  It's like looking at photos of all the difft foods I made such a char sui bao, that I can't eat now.

I am trying to lighten my C drive by deleted all the copies.

Well then, if you can't afford to buy this book, at least read the summary on Wikipedia.


Sagaing earthquake--building collapse in Bangkok--Ava Bridge in Myanmar--many images online