Tuesday, April 07, 2020

Andrew Cuomo's daily press briefing, analysis by KM Kaung Ph.D. (Political Economy)

The live stream will have stopped now, but you can find the app or whatever and watch each one every day.

The reason I say this is Gov, Cuoma is about the only one talking sense these days.

Dr Fauci is being limited and maybe threatened by Trump, who won't let him speak.

The reporters are as always too busy with micro(economic or political) matters.

Dr Birx has turned out to be an ass licker. 

Cuomo is well placed to look at micro as well as macro, as he's a Governer and NY is an important state with a large economy, large population and now having to deal with the largest number of coronavirus cases, and dealing with it well.

There are other governers, but NY is where the coronavirus is peaking right now, and it's also close to where I am geographically.

Summary:  (Note, I only catch the end parts every day, but it is good enough)

1.  Peak may be months long.

1918 flu pandemic peaked for 6 months and killed 30,000 in NY (City?) alone.

Since this is 2020, we are better informed and know more about diseases in general.

  (From material provided c/o Ma D.  States will peak at difft times)

2.  It's a matter of WE not ME.

He says he too would like to go out and enjoy the good weather, but it's not a responsible thing to do.

Yesterday he spoke of going to funerals (his daughters are cousins of Maeve Kennedy who drowned 4 days ago).

3.  Restarting the economy--it won't be like flipping a switch, restarting something that was shut down suddenly.

(At my Village level, we would need to think, and perhaps move more to online activities and classes when we reopen)

Cuomo did not say so, but the truth of the matter may be that many people have died, among whom might be /already are, doctors, nurses, first responders etc. 

(He spoke 2 days ago of himself not really a China expert, but working through Asia Society to get the donations of ventilators from Jack Ma and Alibaba and the Tsais)

4.  At the "micro" i.e. NY level,

the Navy ship did not get many non-corona patients, bc street crime and traffic accidents down.  Cuomo called trump and trump has agreed and the ship will change to corona patients, but 1000 bed capacity will move to 500, bc corona patients need more space.

5.  As always, he ends by thanking medical and other professionals.

NY Pause is working--

What happens depends on what we do.

6.  My 3 cents.

I am reducing the # of ppl on my bcc list bc I think

a.  some of you feel crowded
b.  think you know enough already

c.  think you are immune

d.  don't want to "get involved in pols."

e.  take it personally, one woman who looked at my eye drops (Lantanoprost) shrugged and dismissed me when I said she should wash her hands after looking at the label on the bottle.  She asked if it was a cure or to prevent glaucoma.

I said it depends on pressure in eye, she said she knew already.  I said " It's not a cure, it's to prevent the condition from worsening."  At that point she had already stopped listening.  Shortly thereafter, there was a case in which a woman killed her spouse using off the counter eye drops.

So if you wish me to stop posts to you, email me, and I will.

Kyi May Kaung 4-7-2020

Sagaing earthquake--building collapse in Bangkok--Ava Bridge in Myanmar--many images online
