Monday, September 28, 2020

Brain-eating amoeba + covid warnings--

Don't let children play in water or go to water parks or swimming pools.

Fortunately, the weather is growing cold.

They can even get it from touching basket balls or bowling balls.  Don't play with other children.

Should always wear masks and gloves, take off mask by straps and discard or throw in laundry,

take off disposable gloves and drop in trash immediately, wash hands after, change cloth hand towels daily.

Lot of laundry and trash, but better that than ventilator and death.




Former Trump campaign manager attempts suicide --

Article has suicide prevention hotline #s at bottom.



The fallout begins.

Oh BTW, tomorrow when the reporters ask, what's his name will say, "Who?  I don't know him, but he was very very close to us."



Sunday, September 27, 2020

NYT has obtained Trump's tax returns--detailed article with smashing illustrations--

Most possibly the most corrupt family in world.

Increasing reports of drug use and pics of dilated pupils.

This is not Presdt Carter's  peanut farm blind trust.

Rick Wilson is his book, Everything T. Touches Dies, has some predictions, such as "the daughter will bring down the father" and "T will marry Hope Hicks."

She's returned to the WH, not clear what she does there, maybe irons his suits while he is wearing them.

He does look a lot fatter, his hair is white and  he has a new a new suit--blue--that looks like polyester and shiny from ironing.

You can see the Wilson predictions in Amazon online sample, last chapter.


Get your flu shot.

Deadline to apply for mail in ballot is Oct 30, if you are US citizen.

Of course if you are not a US citizen, like Duchess Meghan now and Prince Harry, you can still tell people to vote.

There was an upsurge in early voting as soon as reports of RBG's passing came out.




21 US states report increases in Covid-19

Pliny the Younger's letter to Tacitus, ref, Vesuvius eruption --

It reads as if it was written yesterday.

The nephew was writing 25 years after the eruption of AD 79.



Pelosi says--

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

12 storey pig sty in Yunnan

It's as bad or worse than factory chicken farms.

During the hurricanes, someone wrote on Twitter that there was "no need for the chickens to be drowned, bc on his father's farm they just let them go and then they returned."

Well, factory farm chickens probably cannot fly and would not survive in open.

The Covid virus is said to have come from bats which ate mangoes above a pig sty, infecting the pigs, which were all slaughtered in a early outbreak on an Indonesian island.

On my way back from Poland in 1969, my sister and I stopped at a business friend of my husband's in Denmark.

He took us to see his pig farm.  He only raised the pigs between a certain age and a certain age, and then sold them on, within the EU.

It was housed in a very clean building with real wood (teak?) arched ceilings or roofs, and looked more like a modern church than a pig sty.  I remember passing through Copenhagen airport again abt 2002, and seeing teak floors, also lots of teak in Chiangmai B and Bs.

I don't remember anything wet or anything smelling and the pig facility.

The rows of pigs were all head down in the troughs eating, some kind of dry grain mix.

I was surprised at how long their backs were, about 4 feet.  Maybe a special breed.

In Burma, my Karen friend (Karen or Kayin is a minority ethnic group) said she raised a pig in her bathroom in a flat and kept it so well fed on scraps, no one even knew it was there.  Then they slaughtered it in the bathroom.

She also said much to her husband's embarrassment, "His mother raised dogs to eat under the house."

A note:  Sometimes when I tell people what people told me, they say "Ha! I don't believe you.  It can't be."

It matters not to me if you believe me or not.  I am definite they told me.

Sometimes I overheard things abt child abuse or in one case, a mother mentioned inappropriate behavior, let us say, between her husband and their teenage daughter.

As I said, you can believe me or not.

My job is to write it down and tell you so you are aware of such things.




NBC Nightly News 9-22 and 9-23


Covid upsurge in Fall worldwide


Joy Reid interviews Hilary Clinton


Ruth Ginsberg's passing.






Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg Memorial --


Carried by some of her 120 former and current legal staff.

That is good.  Not a military escort.

These days separation of powers is being increasingly ignored and violated by orange fool.


Clay Bennett cartoon.


Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Dr Fauci on trump's exaggerated vaccine claims: No one has seen the data.

Dr Fauci's dry wit and careful statements with his new normal voice, after removal of throat polyps, would be funny if 200,000 not already dead in USA and the rest of world reeling too.

My friend in UK planning to go S again from Nn part before next lock down.

Maybe Boris Johnson is better than d j t, bc he had virus himself and he said, he nearly died.  His girl friend has had a baby.



Clay Bennett



Houston ER doctor dies of covid + Tycoon who criticized Xi gets 18 years jail, + trump supporter at CDC "retired" for anti-Fauci posts.

trump is working big time on his new enemy CDC--bf it was FBI.

In my opinion those who don't believe in masks and believe trump deserve to die, but they stress the system.



Saturday, September 19, 2020

PBS special on Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg.

She was such a small person, even shorter than I, but so strong.  I ran into her backstage when I was ushering and asst house manager for Annenberg Center Theaters in Phila.

Rest In Power is now projected across the top of the Supreme Court building and flags are flying at half mast.

Last but not least, I like her lace collars and jabots, her shawls and her jackets.



4.5 earthquake in LA area --

Grim milestone--US Covid deaths 200,000 will be 400,000 by year's end

Good reason not to go anywhere except grocery shopping when need to.



Friday, September 18, 2020

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Forced hysterectomies etc of migrant women in ICE camps

This is truly horrifying.



WH abandoned plan to deliver masks-- 


He wants to kill us all.

evil lowest barr--

trump wanted to use heat ray on protestors --

Another woman accuses trump of sex abuse

Eat your flip flop cake--

Last night
How Covid-19 led two bakers to make hyper-realistic illusion cakes
Here’s how two bakers turned their passion into a business, making Hong Kong-themed illusion cakes like dim sum and milk tea during the coronavirus pandemic.
Photo via @QuickTake


Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Maine wedding Covid fallout

Ice Age bear found intact in Siberia

Settlement for Breona Taylor wrongful death --

Get your flu shot this season--

Already got mine, quite easy at CVS.

Gives an added layer of protection, and one can get flu + Covid-19 at the same time.

Over 60s need annual enhanced flu vaccine, as virus changed yearly.


Children shld ask their pediatrician first.


Already got mine, quite easy at CVS.

Gives an added layer of protection, and one can get flu + Covid-19 at the same time.

Over 60s need annual enhanced flu vaccine, as virus changed yearly.


Children shld ask their pediatrician first.


Monday, September 14, 2020

Trump has cost America--

#TheTrumpDepression has cost America: - her travel rights - her international reputation - her ability to contain Putin's invasions of her allies - her ability to choose her leaders - 415,000 lives by 1/1 - 22 million jobs - her citizens' trust in the White House


Bob Woodward "Trump is wrong man for job"

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Child covid deaths--data


Summary of Findings Reported on 9/3/20:

(Note: Data represent cumulative counts since states began reporting)

Cumulative Number of Child COVID-19 Cases*

  • 513,415 total child COVID-19 cases reported, and children represented 9.8%
    (513,415/5,265,157) of all cases
  • Overall rate: 680 cases per 100,000 children in the population

Change in Child COVID-19 Cases, 8/20/20 – 9/3/20

  • 70,630 new child cases reported from 8/20-9/3 (442,785 to 513,415), a 16% increase in child cases over 2 weeks

Testing (8 states reported)*

  • Children made up between 4%-14.3% of total state tests, and between 3%-17.3% of children tested were tested positive

Hospitalizations (23 states and NYC reported)*

  • Children were 0.7%-3.7% of total reported hospitalizations, and between 0.3%-8.3% of all child COVID-19 cases resulted in hospitalization

Mortality (42 states and NYC reported)*

  • Children were 0%-0.3% of all COVID-19 deaths, and 18 states reported zero child deaths
  • In states reporting, 0%-0.2% of all child COVID-19 cases resulted in death
*Note: Data represent cumulative counts since states began reporting; All data reported by state/local health departments are preliminary and subject to change.


2 Burmese soldiers confess to taking part in Rohingya genocide

Tuesday, September 08, 2020

MOMA reuseable masks--

Just thought they are very well designed.

No connection with MOMA.

I make mine with nose wire sewn in now--used thin wire used to hang pictures, bent at end and in "tunnel" so it won't slip out of place.  You can also use ties from coffee bags.

You can bend to fit bridge of yr nose once you have tied it in place.


Tips for selling fine art on Etsy.

Anne Applebaum's latest book --

I didn't know that she is married to a Pole.

This book is interesting to me bc it mirrors Burma and USA.

I spent 8 months in Poland in 1968-69, most of it in winter.

It was May by the time my sister and I returned, and just Spring.



Special post --Anne Applebaum interviews Peter Strzok.

trump snorts adderall and spreads lies

NBC--Nightly News 3-2-2025