Thursday, September 10, 2020

Child covid deaths--data


Summary of Findings Reported on 9/3/20:

(Note: Data represent cumulative counts since states began reporting)

Cumulative Number of Child COVID-19 Cases*

  • 513,415 total child COVID-19 cases reported, and children represented 9.8%
    (513,415/5,265,157) of all cases
  • Overall rate: 680 cases per 100,000 children in the population

Change in Child COVID-19 Cases, 8/20/20 – 9/3/20

  • 70,630 new child cases reported from 8/20-9/3 (442,785 to 513,415), a 16% increase in child cases over 2 weeks

Testing (8 states reported)*

  • Children made up between 4%-14.3% of total state tests, and between 3%-17.3% of children tested were tested positive

Hospitalizations (23 states and NYC reported)*

  • Children were 0.7%-3.7% of total reported hospitalizations, and between 0.3%-8.3% of all child COVID-19 cases resulted in hospitalization

Mortality (42 states and NYC reported)*

  • Children were 0%-0.3% of all COVID-19 deaths, and 18 states reported zero child deaths
  • In states reporting, 0%-0.2% of all child COVID-19 cases resulted in death
*Note: Data represent cumulative counts since states began reporting; All data reported by state/local health departments are preliminary and subject to change.


English actor Idris Elba-- I've read Beasts of No Nation--written in an invented patois from the point of view of a chil...