Saturday, September 05, 2020

Special post--Thai shrimp, western consumers, Burmese workers--

You won't believe this, but this video was recommended for me by Google.

The next one is abt Norwegian farmed salmon.

I buy my shrimp and salmon, a $20 package every 3-4 weeks at Whole Foods. bc it is the only supermarket now near me.

I am eating more beans and bean products and vegs, since Jan 2020 to 10  years ago.

The thing with beans if you have to eat a lot of beans to get the same amount as animal protein.

My mother and many others in Burma died of liver cancer.

My sister in law ( a pathologist's) husband, a radiologist himself, told me in mid 1970s that liver cancer is very prevalent among urban Burmese.

(after autopsy of a Burmese business women Ma Myint,  who was vegetarian for religious reasons, doctor who performed autopsy saw her liver and asked "Did she eat a vegetarian diet for long periods of time?)--I know she ate mostly mushrooms.

Dr K L said that rural people did not get liver cancer so much bc they ate fish paste and fish sauce.

But I do not know if that's true now or not.

A former economics MA student of mine is a mangrove specialist.

In 2006 I went with a student group from Chulalongkorn Univ. to

1.  A medium size shrimp shelling workhouse

2.  A bigger tuna canning factory (but the tuna themselves were quite small, abt 10 " in length)

both in Mahachai (Big Fort) area, across the river from Bangkok.

ALL the workers were Burmese.

I have never been to Chantaburi in the SE of Thailand.


English actor Idris Elba-- I've read Beasts of No Nation--written in an invented patois from the point of view of a chil...