Tuesday, September 01, 2020

NYT: Jamal Kashoggi killing--warning graphic.

International hits happen all the time, from Alexander to Genghis, who likely had his eldest son Jochi killed in what is now Russia, as he was uncertain that J was his biological son, bc he was born shortly after his wife Borte was rescued, from a rival tribe, due to a blood feud due to Genghis's father kidnapping his mother.

Alexander had 2 of his generals killed (Attalus and Parmenion) and killed Black Kleitus, the brother of his childhood nurse.  BK had save his life by cutting off the arm of a Persian general in battle.

A. killed BK with a javelin during a drunken bout, and immediately is said to have regretted it.

A. also had his doctor Glaucias killed bc he thought G had not looked after his lover Hephaestion properly.  Mary Renault who wrote 3 Alexander novels thought H died of typhoid.

However, these things shouldn't be happening in so-called advanced modern times, but they do.

jared and trump cld have been implicated in Kashoggi's killing, as cld have Turkey and of course, the crown prince of SA.

The remains  will never be found.

One can only imagine the anguish of Kashoggi's fiance and his family.


Pentagon to fire 5,400 employees--backlash builds
