Sunday, October 11, 2020

Dr Fauci criticizes trump campaign for taking his words out of context-- 


Never knew a so-called Wh or presdt  who lied so much.

Must be super desperate.


His son Eric so "confused" --i e IGNORANT


said "vaccine" "cured his father"--


3 Lies


1.  There is no cure.

2.  Vaccine is not ready yet

 3. his father is not cured, not even recovered.


That may be 4 lies.




Jochi--son of Genghis--read Conn Iggulden's Mongol Series. Yes, it's Jochi's tomb in Kazakhstan.

From Jochi wiki Genetic paternity evidence In 2019, researchers uncovered genetic evidence supporting the claim that Jochi was Genghis Khan...