Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Greetings from Washington, DC.

I was supposed to write "Economic effects of Covid-19" for you all over there, but I got caught up in other things, including staying alive, making cloth masks and U.S. politics.  The habits of just 3 years at Radio Free Asia die hard, and I check the news every 2-3 hours, including at night. Needless to say, the economic effects have been and will continue to be devastating.

Death and disease also have a multiplier effect.  On non-political-economy, I am an active member of a Fiber Group, but I am the only one painting, making needlepoint and crocheting.

All I can say is after working for democracy in Burma for decades and studying authoritarian systems, to be confronted with #45 is quite something.  Vote, whichever country you are a citizen of.

You can find my dissertation on the University of Pennsylvania website.  Watch MSNBC. 

Above all, stay alive.

Kyi May Kaung (Ph.D)

27th October 2020.


Trump admin being sued over Signal leak--
