Friday, January 09, 2015

Obituary of my father U Kaung by Prof. U Myo Min --from 1957.

Obituary--from 1957
Sithu U Kaung, late Director of Education by Prof. Myo Min, head of the English Department, Univ of Rangoon.

A great loss to the cause of education in Burma, to Burmese intellectual life, and to the Burma Research Society was caused by the death of U Kaung, Director of Education and Vice President of the Burma Research Society, on 19 Feb. 1957.

U Kaung was born in 1904 and educated in Burma and England.  He entered the Education Service of the Government in 1930, and very rapidly rose to be Inspector of Schools.  When the Asian War came to Burma, he was serving as Chief Education Officer, Shan States.

In 1951 he headed the Directorate of Education.  In 1957 while engaged in official work in Calcutta, U Kaung was killed in a motor accident.  He is survived by Daw Thane (Mrs. U Kaung) a son and two daughters.

U Kaung was one of the most widely experienced educators that Burma had ever had.  He has left his imprint on many aspects of educational and intellectual activity in Burma.  As Secretary to the University Re-organisation Committee in 1946 (after World War II and the Japanese Occupation), he brought out a Comprehensive Report.  As Senior Education Officer in charge of Burma State Scholars in the UK from 1946-49, he guided and assisted many promising young Burmese to lay the foundations of their careers.  He was also at the time on the Burma Currency Board and the Burma currency notes printed and issued at that time bore his signature, so that these currency notes were generally called "Maung Kaung" by the populace.

U Kaung led or served on various official delegations abroad, such as the Burma Delegation to UNESCO in 1948 and 1949 (in Paris?)

He led the Burma Educational Mission to the UK, USA, Canada and Mexico for six months in 1951-52.

He was Director of the UNESCO Seminar for Youth Movements held in Tokyo in 1953.

He was one of the most traveled Burmese.

(edited slightly by KMKaung 1-9-2015, because I find the constant myanmaring of Burma annoying--& also untrue.  Burma was Burma 1948-1962 and this was written by U Myo Min in 1957, so obviously the "me and martians" was put in by the 2004 editor.  Sorry, but my blog is based in USA and it is my father too, and when in doubt, I always err on the side of truth.)


Sagaing earthquake--building collapse in Bangkok--Ava Bridge in Myanmar--many images online