Monday, February 09, 2015

Don't just meditate--

I hate to say this but please

don't just meditate
don't just read poetry
don't just read non-fiction
don't never read anything political

don't never read any journals in Burmese--
don't only paint

don't only cook
don't only meditate

I know when I lived in Burma--
I only read the occasional political thriller
I could borrow from somebody
who had got it from a foreigner
who left it behind

and I only watched cartoons and spaghetti westerns on TV bc that was all that em tv broadcast

but now it is the age of the Internet

and if you don't watch the news
and you don't read fiction
to activate your imagination

one day a bomb might explode under you
literally and figuratively

you might be beheaded or kidnapped.

So Please--


Sagaing earthquake--building collapse in Bangkok--Ava Bridge in Myanmar--many images online