Sunday, February 08, 2015

Open to book signings-- for my Band of Flesh and 53 Red Roses--

I have a limited number of review copies of my stories, Band of Flesh and 53 Red Roses--

the "price" will be a review of the stories, written by you, to be posted to the Amazon site.
The print edition will be out around Feb 17th.

I am also open to book readings in the Greater DC Area--or anywhere else, provided I get some help with transport and room and board--

I now have 7 titles of novellas and short story collections which are--

1.  Black Rice​
2. Band of Flesh and 53 Red Roses--
3.  FGM
4. Dancing like a Peacock/Koel Bird--
5.  Rider of Crocodiles--
6.  No Crib for a Bed & Other Stories--
7.  The Lovers--

Message me if you wish to host a book signing at your home or other local meeting place--

I am an experienced and very engaging speaker who has worked in international broadcasting & has done dozens of presentations internationally.


Intel assessment warns against conflating legal anti-Musk protests with vandalism--