Sunday, February 08, 2015

Excerpt from my novella Home is Where? Coming soon on Amazon--

Opening of my novella Home is Where--partly based on my "spinster aunt" Daw Lay or Aunty Flo--

"Home is Where?
I always thought that I knew exactly where home was, but now in America I am not so sure. 
In Burma I had a home. 
It wasn’t big. 
It wasn’t grand, but it was mine. 
A woman without a husband, back there I could still live in a small place, on a patch of land, still my own. 
True, now my nephew in the army will have taken it all, but that is guilt he has to live with, not me.
I got my house and my land in Burma quite legitimately. 
My aunt left the property to me—My spinster aunt who in the colonial days had been engaged to her dear one for seventeen years, then married one year, then divorced, in the old days when divorce was unheard of. 
Even now it’s heard of only now and then, and the woman is always wrong. 
I suppose Aunty Florence was more sympathetic to my plight than anybody else, even my parents.
I had several defects as potential marriage material. 
I am thin and tall, bony. 
I have no flesh, the folks in Burma say, for a man to warm himself on on cold nights." 

Coming soon--

Copyright KM Kaung--

Sagaing earthquake--building collapse in Bangkok--Ava Bridge in Myanmar--many images online