Saturday, February 21, 2015

Excerpt from my upcoming novella Housewarming--

Excerpt from my upcoming novella Housewarming.

"At the Newseum, they were showing continuous scenes from the Inauguration on a big screen that covered one entire wall. 
George W. Bush’s  smile alone was about 5 feet wide. 
Little boys about Kurt’s age, dressed as nineteenth century newsboys were shouting “Extra!  Extra!” and handing out broadsheets in the lobby.  I recorded the little boys’ cries and interviewed some people, including a woman from Kenya, about the Inauguration and their thoughts on democracy.  There was an exhibition of very moving Pulitzer Prize winning photographs.  One showed an execution in Iran, another in Cambodia under Pol Pot.  Another unforgettable photograph was that of the anguished parents of a toddler who had just disappeared into the sea."

Copyright KMKaung

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