Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Review by NNA of my novella The Rider of Crocodiles by K.M.Kaung

Review of The Rider of Crocodiles

By K.M.Kaung

This is my first time reading of this author K.M.Kaung novella even though it is not her first book of publication.

To my opinion, Ms Kaung’s novella “Rider of Crocodiles” is a kind of a bedtime Legendary story which is a factual fiction for all time.  As a novella, it could not give very details in some parts as I expected, yet from the night scene of invasion force entering into the Ayuthia area from northwest, I felt empathy for the people’s tears and fear and unpleasant scene of war.         

However, my curiosity was aroused to dig out more about the descendants of Saman, rider of crocodiles, if I get a chance to visit Central Myanmar after all.  I recommend this book to the parents for those telling the legendary stories to their children and surely they will love it.

(English grammar not edited)

.   The Rider of Crocodiles
Dr. Kaung was traveling in Thailand when a colleague told her his great great grandfather was not killed in Ayuthia in 1767 when the Burmese invaded, as he knew how to ride crocodiles.
print edition

Much to read from the Atlantic--incld--Friday Night Massacre.
