Monday, November 09, 2015

A Rose Named Peace--

Hybrid offspring of rose hybrid Peace--see below.
Read, For Love of a Rose, about how it took 3 or 4 generations, in 3 families or more, to develop the rose Peace, and how war and Hitler intervened.
This book made me cry 3 or 4 times.
A single cross pollination could produce 800 seedlings, of which only 5? might be interesting enough.
When the seedlings bloom, they are tested in test beds on several locations (climatic zones). Some sizzle out and regress.
Only then are they reproduced commercially.
France did not have a patent on flowers till post World War II, and for that Francis Meilland had to fight too.
What I want to say of for you who live in Burma, treasure your flowers and all your species.
Very soon none will exist any more.
If ever I come to Burma, I will try to come on a collecting trip with a botanical association.
Make cuttings for me know, and start them in pots please.

From AFP--Putin's party gives gifts of meat grinders to mothers of war dead--