Thursday, November 05, 2015

The Boy who Spoke Snakish-


Fiction has been characterized as the suspension of disbelief.

Here is a most charming story, somewhat like Salman Rushdie's Haroun and the Sea of Stories, a bestseller in Estonia, recommended specifically for me by guess who???

Ah May Zone (Amazon)

What an enchanting voice, could listen to this metaphorical story forever.

So those of you who write tech laden gibberish, so stolid and convoluted, this is what is meant by a great and original, fresh and distinctive voice.

Listen to the voice sample.

Halloo, goodbye forever, woman big bust with the honey voice, by her own description. It's not the physical voice, though it sometimes is (case in point Beverly Sills) but also what is being said--e.g. Sills singing Mozart's Zaide--

When this voice starts singing or whispering, what happens?

Who does not want to hear about Lothario Bears seducing women in the forest.


Poland (right next door to Ukraine) looks for nuclear arms and to build own army--