Saturday, October 14, 2017

Burma activist Simon Billeness calls for targetted sanctions against Burma army-- Simon has worked on Burma for over 2 decades. I can attest to his integrity, research skills and committed activism. If one is going to bark or bite, it is essential to choose the right tree. It has to be targeted sanctions and fine tuned. I wonder what the former "Friends of Burma" which changed its name weather vane style to "friends of mee ahn mar" in 2010 think now. They are partly to blame too for all the pretense of change. As soon as I set foot in Thailand in 2010 my former colleagues told me of the name change. Friends of Burma was composed of Wn Govts + Australia + international non-profits, so everyone is equally responsible. Not just Daw Suu. Besides, sins of omission (not speaking up, speaking up too late or too softly) are hardly the same as sins of commission, actually directing the helicopter + on ground attacks during the on-going genocide against the Rohingya. Enough said. To avoid a fate like Cassandra's, I am just writing fiction now and painting. BTW, check that website above regularly. The webmaster there gave me "key" to post whenever I like, but I seldom need to as he does such an excellent job. Thank you, km 10-14-2017
Recent photos from Internet Kyi May Kaung Words Sounds and Images

Sagaing earthquake--building collapse in Bangkok--Ava Bridge in Myanmar--many images online