Monday, October 30, 2017

Tweets-- Mueller Monday--easier for you to follow me on Twitter Kyi Kaung@KyiKaung

Kyi Kaung‏ @KyiKaung 1m1 minute ago Happy Mueller Monday. Watch those wonderful GIFs. Time to break out the champagne--maybe wait a bit for more INDICTMENTS. Ho la la fun wk 0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes You Retweeted Laurence Tribe‏Verified account @tribelaw 13h13 hours ago Laurence Tribe Retweeted Chris Hayes That much seems certain! Laurence Tribe added, Chris HayesVerified account @chrislhayes I don’t know if Trump will try to fire Mueller, but if he does I expect the reaction will be absolutely explosive … 48 replies 211 retweets 774 likes You Retweeted Laurence Tribe‏Verified account @tribelaw 13h13 hours ago Laurence Tribe Retweeted Beau Willimon Exactly Laurence Tribe added, Beau WillimonVerified account @BeauWillimon Mueller is a Republican. Appointed FBI Dir by Bush. Made Special Counsel by your own DOJ. This isn't Dems.… 52 replies 2,002 retweets 5,578 likes You Retweeted Laurence Tribe‏Verified account @tribelaw 27m27 minutes ago Laurence Tribe Retweeted Stephen Hayes The talk obviously wdn’t be at DOJ. It’d be at the White House. Laurence Tribe added, Stephen HayesVerified account @stephenfhayes From @MichaelRWarren newsy WHW: "I’m told there’s been no talk at the Justice Department of getting rid of Mueller." … 11 replies 52 retweets 207 likes You Retweeted Laurence Tribe‏Verified account @tribelaw 33m33 minutes ago Laurence Tribe Retweeted Brian Klaas But who’s counting? Oh, Trump was? Never mind. Laurence Tribe added, Brian KlaasVerified account @brianklaas Trump’s camp will try to downplay this, but remember that Paul Manafort was in charge of Trump’s campaign for longer than Steve Bannon. … 6 replies 121 retweets 389 likes You Retweeted Laurence Tribe‏Verified account @tribelaw 40m40 minutes ago Laurence Tribe Retweeted Mike Levin Definitely at least this. Remember when T pretended he barely knew his own campaign chairman? He’ll follow the same lying path now: Who, me? Laurence Tribe added, Mike LevinVerified account @MikeLevinCA Bottom line: Trump knew or should have known about Paul Manafort’s shady ties to Russia and others when he hired him to RUN HIS CAMPAIGN. 54 replies 299 retweets 769 likes You Retweeted Laurence Tribe‏Verified account @tribelaw 45m45 minutes ago Laurence Tribe Retweeted Texas Chainsaw Hat Sadly, this is what seems likely to unfold from the Spacey story Laurence Tribe added, Texas Chainsaw Hat @NonWhiteHat Impression homosexuality and pedophilia are the same is something Spacey's PR team wants to promote, in case the drunk excuse doesn't work. … 10 replies 46 retweets 165 likes You Retweeted Laurence Tribe‏Verified account @tribelaw 50m50 minutes ago Laurence Tribe Retweeted Matthew Miller Oh, is that all? No need for the Trumpet to toot or tweet, then. He can just keep hitting “Prez” HRC, the woman he seems obsessed with. Laurence Tribe added, Matthew MillerVerified account @matthewamiller Remember, Trump barely knows Manafort. Manafort only lives in his building, ran his campaign, & continued to advise him in the White House. 25 replies 223 retweets 619 likes You Retweeted Laurence Tribe‏Verified account @tribelaw 53m53 minutes ago Laurence Tribe Retweeted John Weaver The more this hits T, the more vigilant we must be re preemptive pardons or moves to weaken Mueller. Either would be obstruction of justice Laurence Tribe added, John Weaver @JWGOP No small fish. Remember, Manafort selected the @VP and was therefore the most important person on the campaign team. 25 replies 456 retweets 1,017 likes You Retweeted Laurence Tribe‏Verified account @tribelaw 1h1 hour ago Laurence Tribe Retweeted Josh Barro Even if this pair is indicted for monetary crimes that don’t DIRECTLY ensnare Trump, there’s no way he emerges intact from what’s on the way Laurence Tribe added, Josh BarroVerified account @jbarro The Daily Beast reported that Rick Gates was working for Tom Barrack, and visiting the WH, as recently as June. … 31 replies 247 retweets 680 likes You Retweeted Laurence Tribe‏Verified account @tribelaw 2h2 hours ago Laurence Tribe Retweeted shauna The truly brilliant @JoyAnnReid melts the phony Hillary/uranium story into the puddle of pee it has always been. Nothing remains. Well done! Laurence Tribe added, 2:19 shaunaVerified account @goldengateblond MEDIA: How do we shut down this ridiculous uranium story? @JoyAnnReid: Class is now in session. 45 replies 558 retweets 1,810 likes You Retweeted Laurence Tribe‏Verified account @tribelaw 2h2 hours ago Laurence Tribe Retweeted Sue Perkins .@sueperkins is usually on target, so I’m listening to her take on this sad story about Spacey and a 14-yr old boy. Laurence Tribe added, Sue PerkinsVerified account @sueperkins Well done Kev. You stay silent on your sexuality until the time comes when you can conflate it with an alleged sexual assault on a minor. 8 replies 49 retweets 197 likes You Retweeted Gold‏ @GoldCovfefe 2h2 hours ago Replying to @AshaRangappa_ 0 replies 1 retweet 4 likes You Retweeted Adam VanHo 🇺🇸‏ @adamvanho 2h2 hours ago Replying to @AshaRangappa_ 0 replies 1 retweet 2 likes You Retweeted num3roun0‏ @act2roadie 2h2 hours ago Replying to @AshaRangappa_ @BatmanOnAStick I wasn’t sure I was going to make it, but alas, here I am glued to my phone, monitoring and tweeting. Good day. 0 replies 1 retweet 5 likes You Retweeted Wtfdoicare‏ @wtfdoicare33 1h1 hour ago Replying to @AshaRangappa_ #MullerMonday Would like this to Happen to Whomever it Will Be on #MullerMonday 😁😂 0 replies 3 retweets 4 likes You Retweeted Social✽Fly‏ @socflyny 2h2 hours ago Replying to @AshaRangappa_ Do you think the Feds will swap out OJ's white Bronco for a tasteful Cadillac Escalade?? (Asking for a couple of friends ...) 😂 0 replies 1 retweet 5 likes You Retweeted Eat Pray Love Nap 😴‏ @ItsOkayItsFine 3h3 hours ago Replying to @AshaRangappa_ #DoSomething 0 replies 2 retweets 8 likes You Retweeted ⚔King in the North🛡‏ @sportjames23 2h2 hours ago Replying to @AshaRangappa_ This just in, the scene going away from the White House: 0 replies 2 retweets 9 likes You Retweeted Rome C137 🚴🏾‏ @Jerry_Loft0n 2h2 hours ago Replying to @AshaRangappa_ @Gneely91 *Cops theme music plays in background* 0 replies 5 retweets 11 likes You Retweeted Ben Frankenstephens‏ @stephens_ben 2h2 hours ago Replying to @AshaRangappa_ @margaritateresa Same to you! 1 reply 4 retweets 13 likes You Retweeted Asha Rangappa‏Verified account @AshaRangappa_ 3h3 hours ago Happy Mueller Monday! 45 replies 292 retweets 805 likes You Retweeted Laurence Tribe‏Verified account @tribelaw 3h3 hours ago Laurence Tribe Retweeted Asha Rangappa Hard not to feel that a shudder is about to ripple through Trumplandia — and that it’ll feel like a light at the end of a long dark tunnel Laurence Tribe added, Asha RangappaVerified account @AshaRangappa_ Happy Mueller Monday! 64 replies 372 retweets 1,537 likes You Retweeted Laurence Tribe‏Verified account @tribelaw Oct 25 Laurence Tribe Retweeted Marlow Stern This is BIG. Unless refuted, it shows Trump campaign tried to get Wikileaks to help Russia sabotage the 2016 election. That was a fed crime. Laurence Tribe added, Marlow SternVerified account @MarlowNYC ICYMI Julian Assange confirms he was approached by Trump's data firm Cambridge Analytica requesting his help. Nuts: … 965 replies 16,890 retweets 28,846 likes You Retweeted Laurence Tribe‏Verified account @tribelaw 2h2 hours ago Especially sad is how Spacey’s coming out in this way feeds into stereotype of gay men as predators … via @adambvary 34 replies 142 retweets 525 likes You Retweeted The New York Times‏Verified account @nytimes 1h1 hour ago Kevin Spacey apologized to Anthony Rapp, an actor who accused him of making a sexual advance when Rapp was 14 107 replies 161 retweets 172 likes You Retweeted Travon Free‏Verified account @Travon 8h8 hours ago Anthony Rapp: "Kevin Spacey tried to rape me." Media: "Kevin how do you respond?" Spacey: "uuh...uuhh... Hey everyone I'm gay!" 152 replies 7,274 retweets 13,642 likes You Retweeted billy eichner‏Verified account @billyeichner 8h8 hours ago Kevin Spacey has just invented something that has never existed before: a bad time to come out. 376 replies 9,934 retweets 42,498 likes You Retweeted Twitter Moments‏Verified account @TwitterMoments 11h11 hours ago Veteran Broadway star Anthony Rapp alleges that Kevin Spacey made an advance toward him when he was a teenager. 160 replies 346 retweets 386 likes You Retweeted #TrumpCovfefe‏ @TrumpChess 2h2 hours ago More fake news abt "Tillerson and Mattis" They were both given the authority to make their own decisions--bc @POTUS eliminated the red tape😎 7 replies 27 retweets 45 likes You Retweeted Life Of Guy‏ @LifeOfGuyCast 47m47 minutes ago When you want to watch more @Garyvee videos but can’t because you're too fired up and motivated. #LFG #MondayMotivation 0 replies 33 retweets 50 likes Kyi Kaung‏ @KyiKaung 16m16 minutes ago Kyi Kaung Retweeted Audrey L'Ebrellec besides, it already happened and you can't change it-- Kyi Kaung added, Audrey L'Ebrellec @AudreyLebrellec Have a wonderful week everyone! #MondayMotivation #quoteoftheday 0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes You Retweeted Inspired with Lucas‏ @LucasBryner3 1h1 hour ago I WILL Graduate College! I WILL get closer to God! I WILL be financially stable! I WILL reach my goals! I WILL be happy! #MondayMotivation 0 replies 12 retweets 45 likes You Retweeted I luv being Teamster‏ @JimKilbane 52m52 minutes ago #MondayMotivation The Sharks are closing in on #trump. The first domino to fall is "Paul Manafort" 2 replies 29 retweets 56 likes You Retweeted Dr. DaShanne Stokes‏Verified account @DaShanneStokes 33m33 minutes ago Reminder: Manafort represented the interests of Russia--the ones who committed an act of war against America. … #resist #trumprussia #MondayMotivation #IndictmentMonday 1 reply 26 retweets 36 likes You Retweeted Dr. DaShanne Stokes‏Verified account @DaShanneStokes 24m24 minutes ago Obama got the Nobel Peace Prize. Trump got investigations for obstruction and collusion in an act of war against America. #resist #trumprussia #MondayMotivation #IndictmentMonday 2 replies 28 retweets 49 likes You Retweeted Dr. DaShanne Stokes‏Verified account @DaShanneStokes 43m43 minutes ago It's Monday, so it's time to ask again: Why are we letting ourselves be led astray by a man who most Americans don't want and who is being investigated for obstruction and collusion in an act of war against America? #resist #trumprussia #MondayMotivation #IndictmentMonday 1 reply 42 retweets 78 likes You Retweeted Dr. DaShanne Stokes‏Verified account @DaShanneStokes 22m22 minutes ago Trump smeared Obama for years with his racist birther witch hunt, but Trump's the one facing impeachment. Karma can be poetic. #resist #trumprussia #MondayMotivation #IndictmentMonday #ManafortMonday 8 replies 50 retweets 129 likes You Retweeted Dr. DaShanne Stokes‏Verified account @DaShanneStokes 20m20 minutes ago Don't cut all your ties to Russia, Mr. Trump. You'll need someplace to hide after your impeachment. #resist #trumprussia #MondayMotivation #IndictmentMonday #ManafortMonday 2 replies 27 retweets 67 likes Kyi Kaung‏ @KyiKaung 19m19 minutes ago Kyi Kaung Retweeted Paul Manafort Paul M last Twitter post below was 19 Dec 2016!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kyi Kaung added, Paul ManafortVerified account @PaulManafort President Donald J. Trump! Nothing more to say except now it is time "To Make America Great Again"! 0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes You Retweeted The Associated Press‏Verified account @AP 31m31 minutes ago BREAKING: AP sources: Ex-Trump campaign chair Paul Manafort and associate, Rick Gates, turn themselves in to federal authorities. 117 replies 1,374 retweets 1,887 likes You Retweeted Scott Dworkin‏Verified account @funder 25m25 minutes ago Here’s Donald Trump calling Paul Manafort a “decent man” #TrumpRussia #AMJoy Denizcan James 67 replies 335 retweets 432 likes You Retweeted Red T Raccoon‏ @RedTRaccoon 28m28 minutes ago If Trump was to fire Mueller, it does nothing for Paul Manafort & Rick Gates There is no take backs for federal indictments #MuellerMonday 19 replies 95 retweets 290 likes You Retweeted Twitter Moments‏Verified account @TwitterMoments 58m58 minutes ago Paul Manafort has been indicted by Robert Mueller and told to surrender to federal authorities, @nytimes reports. 36 replies 193 retweets 258 likes Kyi Kaung‏ @KyiKaung 1h1 hour ago Paul Manafort, Who Once Ran Trump Campaign, Told to Surrender 0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes You Retweeted Steve Herman‏Verified account @W7VOA Oct 26 Statement from @statedeptspox on #DPRK human rights abuses.

Sagaing earthquake--building collapse in Bangkok--Ava Bridge in Myanmar--many images online