Friday, October 13, 2017

Sorry, I was away, visiting Dupont original gunpowder mill, and Dupont home and Hotel, and seeing a Broadway Show

we do need vacations now and then, all of us. Then we need to do the laundry before and after. I decided that the news is so horrid, I will not watch it for awhile, but while in Delaware, I did open the TV MSNBC, on Wednesday morning, and saw a bit of Morning Joe, on which Mika and Joe were talking about DJT saying he wanted to increase nuclear capacity of USA 10 times. When I mentioned it to man in lobby, who was sitting with his newspaper folded in his lap, he said, "You asked to see the paper, that's OK, I have not read it yet." I was so pissed I just scanned the headlines and handed his d paper back immediately. Now, This was not a handsome young man, but a fat old man who talks too much, with a pot belly and a cane. ML who uses a cane, walked in, so I told the 2 men I was sitting between, "I'm giving my seat to M, OK?" The one on my L said, "She can sit over there, " but it was across the room. One on L appeared very taken with an old looking woman with lots of wrinkles, but maybe she was pretty in his eyes. This one is transparent like the glass NYTs building. Their table at dinner the night before was so noisy. They sat at the bar before dinner, while those at our table did not, but I know from previous trips that the tall one does not drink. -- Immediately after, our bus rolled in, so I got up and went to the bus. What an ass hole, maybe he voted for T. (One on my R) At lunch, where I tried to look for cafe said to be inside New York Times building, but we went into Dean and Deluca, where I bought a mug and a bar of flourless fudge, this man then collared my new friend and started talking. My friend said, "--is a talker, I've heard these stories many times before." I said, "He was grumpy this morning, so I am wary of engaging him (in conversation." During the intermission of War Paint, he was full of beans again, maybe he recovered, and said about the show, "I just don't care," about the trade wars between Helena Rubenstein and Elizabeth Arden, depicted on stage, and it's true, I nodded off several times during Act I. At intermission, I had to move fast to join line to ladies, which was one floor up. They had a floor minder like in Berlin, to keep people moving fast. Act 2 got a bit better, but still did not show the icons as multi-dimensional, am trade wars are hardly dramatic material. My woman friend said, "Don't think we'll be humming these tunes." It's true, music was not memorable either. But it was part of package deal on a group trip, and I did not want to be critical while our tour managers had done so much, and everything went without a hitch. They even gave us small cards to mark if we wanted red or white wine or water for happy hour on our way back. I guess they do this on longer trips. I asked for white wine, but could not manage more than a few sips. -- At the gunpowder museum, I just said, "We could not do all this on our own," and it's true. "Too many moving parts." Also, many of us are challenged. My friend said she can't see well, she read the menu with difficulty, and I did not want to leave her alone on a NY street, besides, I did not want to walk alone on 42nd street either. But it is a lot better than the 1980s, when it was a street of peepholes and X-rated stuff. I was surprised when I looked up and realized we were right in front of NY Port Authority Building, where all the Greyhound buses park. Come a long way since then. My friend asked me what I must enjoyed doing, writing? Painting? Sewing? I said, Writing is not enjoyable, it is painful. Maybe painting. Then you should do that. Thank you for your advice. Sometimes I don't know what to do. When I said I had never been to France, she said, Then you should go. At breakfast the very nice couple from Egypt said, the wife Isis (the goddess, not the terrorist group) said, It's a good time to visit Egypt. She said she was a pathologist,so I told her about my relative who is a pathologist. Her husband, she said, is a retired physician. He said, when they go to Egypt, they are like tourists, because they have been away so many years, things have changed so much, they can't find their way around any more. He said to his wife, You should qualify what you just said. To me: If you go, don't go in a group in bus like we're doing now (in USA) you might become targets of a terrorist group-- I added for him, As US tourists? Yes, there is lots of global terrorism now. The security at the theatre just looked into our open bags with a flash light one second. My friend said, "I don't think they will find anything, the way they do things." But at least this year I have my expensive hearing aids, and can hear better, though not that much to hear. And so that's the report from Our Village for today. Watch the news people, be engaged, be active. K M Kaung 10-13-2017
Cartoon from Internet, Greeley arrives in New York.

Sagaing earthquake--building collapse in Bangkok--Ava Bridge in Myanmar--many images online