Wednesday, May 30, 2018

A site you should ALWAYS check out--how DJT daily undermines Democratic Institutions-- Daily, DJT becomes more like a Burmese dictator/general. Dictators, of course, play Executive Orders to the hilt, that's the definition of the word "dictator" and Ne Win's junta (still existing today) runs things with an army chain of command, top down. Till the early 1980s I lived in Burma, and since then it is my life's work studying Burma. NW, just like DJT today, used to deride scholars, artists, poets, intellectuals on a daily basis. Only difference was he did not have Twitter. However, he "tweeted" via his intelligence network,he called a dictionary "half-baked", he spread dis-info about UN Secretary General U Thant, he had alleged ties to Mossad and a German arms manufacturer. He had property in Wimbledon, UK. My sources were very reliable and some had seen his behavior up close and in person. Such as when he beat up a physics instructor, who got drunk at an official reception and called his wife Kitty a whore; when he beat up 2 people at the golf club (my source was the late Louis Wallinsky, economic advisor to the democratic government of U Nu.) The time he ripped open his pants!!! because Kitty would not stitch them, and walked around with his organ literally hanging out. (This was related to my mother, when she had an hysterectomy, by another patient in the gynae ward, who was the wife of NW's aid de camp.) Just a few weeks and a few years ago, 2 women told me of NW's disgusting language, and how the 2nd woman's uncle's wife, had attempted suicide, damaging the child in her belly, because Kitty Ne Win had an affair with her husband. You can easily see on the Internet, in NW's wiki article, images of a military assistant kneeling on the floor near Ne Win. I am collecting all this for a book on Ne Win. So if you have any dirt, send it along to as a "comment". Thanks, KMK 5-30-2018

Much to read from the Atlantic--incld--Friday Night Massacre.