Saturday, May 26, 2018

hmm, N. Korean bear hug, note the weight difference, the age difference, the position of the arms.

Who is smiling more? What does that mean? Note how trmp acted in conciliatory manner, when he met Putey in Europe and talked to him at dinner table with no one else present. One commentator Snowden? has juts said there is no one trmp loves more than Putin. -- Note also, Moon was just at trmp WH, then trmp pulls rug from under him then Moon crosses into N Korea (DMZ) and greets meets Kim JU. Well well well. Stole djt's thunder or what. Expect more tweets from tweeting evil unfunny "clown." Mueller, get to work faster. 5-26-2018

NIH reels with fear--future of research projects in jeopardy-- Mark my word, new viruses like Covid will keep evolving-- Th...