Monday, August 30, 2021

Market crash causes farmers in Nn Shan State to abandon produce by roadside--pl RT

Market crash causes farmers to abandon produce by roadside in Nn Shan State--pl RT on your social media pages.

I hope someone can go get them for those starving in jungle, Mindat, Sagaing region.

At least sun dry the eggplant and try and cook tomatoes into sauce with salt.  You can sun dry tomatoes, mustard (monyin) leaves etc too.


@DrSasa22222 @cnnbrk @washingtonpost @zinmaraung1976



Market crash causes farmers in Nn Shan State to abandon produce by roadside--pl RT

Market crash causes farmers to abandon produce by roadside in Nn Shan State--pl RT on your social media pages.

I hope someone can go get them for those starving in jungle, Mindat, Sagaing region.

At least sun dry the eggplant and try and cook tomatoes into sauce with salt.  You can sun dry tomatoes, mustard (monyin) leaves etc too.


@DrSasa22222 @cnnbrk @washingtonpost @zinmaraung1976


Friday, August 27, 2021

Sagaing, junta retreats sick w Covid, 12 civilians killed in 1 week, vacs for NUG coming in via Rangoon Aiport


who wants to bet army won't take all??




Border crossings with Afghanistan--13 with Pakistan alone- 


It could be that Afghan refugees have exhausted their strength and resources  getting to Kabul International Airport, or they can't back track and go to a land border,

but pl  retweet or share this.

It might save someone's life.



I don't know hpw this city became "taw" (royal)  in Burmese--Must be where military and top brass live.

The humongous gate is "mil taste."

Note, PDF is flying US flag.  :)

small contingent surprise by PDF while they were resting in forest, 3 huts burned, casualities unknown.


စစ်ကောင်စီလက်ထဲတွင် သေဆုံးသည့် မောင်စန်းဝင်းအောင် သတင်းမှားအလွှင့်ခံခဲ့ရ

Not true SACgave him chance to talk to family before he died.

Instead, he was killed and family asked to come “ransom” his remains with cash, 1,000,000 kyat. Since his family was not rich and because community pressured them, they did not do so.

He was in a charitable association helping with Covid.

It’s all a racket.



Wednesday, August 25, 2021

junta seizes 150 in 10 days + SAC killed--RFA 41 already tortured & killed etc  Wife and daughter of arrested NLD seized when they came to deliver items for htaung win sar (food etc)


Bc of lack of time and "abundance of news" I won't be posting individual items any more.  If you read Burmese, also check last 2 sites daily.



Sunday, August 22, 2021

6 months after coup, 2000 junta troops have joined CDM

Civil Disobedience Movement.


15 soldiers incld 1 officer defect from Magway junta arms factory.

Of 15 defectors fr Magway, Burma junta arms factory, one shot and killed. 15 inlcd one officer armed with pistol.

@POTUS @PentagonPresSec @cnnbrk @washingtonpost



Saturday, August 21, 2021

RSF has strongly condemned --

RSF has strongly condemned

Sole contributor Frontier Myanmar & VOA U Sithu Aung Myint and BBC presenter Htet Htet Khaing arrested while they were in hiding in Rangoon, whereabouts not known.

@RSF_inter @POTUS @PentagonPresSec




4 days of clashes

30 SAC killed.


Thriller--good--The Contractor--international hit man--former marine discharged for drug use

for knee injury. 4.5 out of 5 stars--my rating. plot twist in the middle. kmk 2-21-2025