Sunday, August 15, 2021

DVB Democratic Voice of Burma, interviewed retired US Army General, Dr. Mi Mi Win Byrd--in Burmese

It's streaming.
I just happened on it bc I check the site at least 2 times a day -- I suggest you approach DVB for an official transcript and translation--

Said Burmese army has lost the trust of the people and no way can it be legitimate, and she ended with a plea to wear your cloth mask 3 layers, even at home among family members.

She also praised the heroes appearing among (PDF)

Her Burmese is quite fluent though the interviewer talks too fast.

DVB does not even provide running subtitles in Burmese, nor does RFA, and there are a lot of different accents, from American to Chin to Kachin--at least RFA has website with written articles or transcripts.

It depends how well these radio/TV stations are funded and how effectively they use their money.

We don't want things like Gen. Dostum's palace just over run by the Taliban, right??



Trump admin being sued over Signal leak--