Friday, August 27, 2021

I don't know hpw this city became "taw" (royal)  in Burmese--Must be where military and top brass live.

The humongous gate is "mil taste."

Note, PDF is flying US flag.  :)

small contingent surprise by PDF while they were resting in forest, 3 huts burned, casualities unknown.


စစ်ကောင်စီလက်ထဲတွင် သေဆုံးသည့် မောင်စန်းဝင်းအောင် သတင်းမှားအလွှင့်ခံခဲ့ရ

Not true SACgave him chance to talk to family before he died.

Instead, he was killed and family asked to come “ransom” his remains with cash, 1,000,000 kyat. Since his family was not rich and because community pressured them, they did not do so.

He was in a charitable association helping with Covid.

It’s all a racket.



NIH reels with fear--future of research projects in jeopardy-- Mark my word, new viruses like Covid will keep evolving-- Th...